black wedding selections with lace
Its sad when someone you love say that they believe in you, but wont step out in Faith to become what we are destine for. Rich people did not become financially free by living a comfortable life. It takes adventure, and determination live your dream. If you dont believe inyourself, then keep working for other people, but if you have a dream, with ways to make income, and I mean abundant income. Then stand on Gods word about prosperity, and blow up like the world trade. But pe ... ople who cant deal with hardness, or confrontation, you might as well keep working for other people, and living from check to check. I know I am not all the way where I want to be with finance, but my dream will get me their by not giving up! When you dont believe in your own abilities, than you are a doubter with God. Hebruws chapter 11, verse 6, says with out faith, it is impossible to please God. For he or she, that says that you believe in me, must no that I am God, and I am a rewarded of he that trust my word to prosper. So quit being a wimp, and become a warrior, and a winner! Thus said the Lord for you small minded people who are scared to step out of Faith, but quick to get into your flesh!!!!!!!! THUGGALUJAH! black wedding selections with lace
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