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Emerald Apple Sauce

Sergei Demonstrates Making the Best Green Smoothie Ever

Green For Life Books For Cancer Survivors – Update

Doggy’s Recovery with Green Smoothies

The Wisdom of Our Children

Joy For Life Retreat 2009

Emerald Apple Sauce

By Aletha Nowitzky
Parsley Parsley contains three times as much vitamin C as oranges, twice as much iron as spinach, is rich in vitamin A and contains folate, potassium and calcium. What’s more, parsley is also recognized for its cancer-fighting potential.


Blend well the following ingredients in the blender.

Two large apples

½ bunch (or one cup) parsley

Yields 2 cups

Enjoy as a meal or a treat!

Sergei Demonstrates Making the Best Green Smoothie Ever

I am Victoria Boutenko - and I approve this message. It is informative and funny.

View the free video here!

Green For Life Books For Cancer Survivors - Update

Raw Family Rainbow

Dear Friends,

With your support, we were able to fulfill all of the requests so far and donate over 1200 copies of Green For Life books to cancer survivors. We were flooded with thank you letters… here are two of them:
“Dear lady, thank you for the gift of the Green for Life book you sent at your own expense. Now my husband is making green smoothies for me and I know that given time, my health will improve. Kindest regards and love to you. The beautiful bookmark was such a loving touch and I send blessings to you and thanks every time I see it.” --Madeleine from Scotland

“I want to thank you very much for sending your book to my friend Cam Jones in Ohaton, Alberta. Cam and his wife Connie were quite excited to receive the book. We had all been talking about changing our diets because of Cam's health challenge.

I didn't tell them that I had sent you their name and they were so very surprised when this book showed up right when they needed it. It was fun to have that happen.

I will keep you posted on his progress. We are hoping that he gets a complete turn- around. Have a wonderful day and bless you for your generosity and all that you are doing for the world. You make it a better place. :) Heather H.
We continue to receive requests to donate books to cancer survivors and will continue until we reach our goal of 2000 copies, at approximately the end of January. Your donation of the postal stamps has greatly helped to support our project. Please keep them coming!

To donate postage click here
Green for Life Green for Life is available on our website:

Doggy’s Recovery with Green Smoothies

Clare’s Story

I wanted to tell you another great thing about the green smoothies. These drinks are saving my 10 year old collie from liver disease. She has 2-4 cups a day. Last Thanksgiving she couldn't hardly walk and now we're talking about weaning her off her medicine this Dec. as she is doing so well now.

Thanks for all your hard work for people and the dogs they love as much as people.

Sincerely, Clare B.

The Wisdom of Our Children


I would like to share with you a story about my oldest grandson, Nic. It’s not about green smoothies, but it is such a cute story. Recently, at his 4th birthday, Nic was presented with a Scrabble game. He picked it out of all the toys he was gifted and started to beg his mommy (Tasia) to play with him. “You have to be bigger” she explained, “you need to know how to spell.” But little Nic kept begging, “I know how to spell.” Finally, Tasia gave in and they sat down to play. Nic carefully put three letters together and exclaimed “Look! I have spelled something!” His mommy looked down at the painted wodden squares on the table and couldn’t believe her eyes, the letters spelled G-O-D.

Joy For Life Retreat 2009

March 29th to April 4th

Dear Friends,

We invite you to spend a special week with us!

The Joy For Life retreat is the only retreat the Raw Family currently offers, that is why we organize it wholeheartedly. We envision a most joyous, pleasant, healing and unforgettable time for every participant. After conducting countless different retreats in the past, we have created a unique program - a perfect combination of green smoothie feasting, and the effective technique of stress reduction based on the Work of Byron Katie. In addition, Victoria, Valya, and Sergei will share with you their latest health discoveries and will answer all your questions first-hand. During the retreat we will serve a quart of freshly made green smoothie per person four times a day, along with trays of fresh organic fruit. Last year, our Joy For Life retreat was a great success and we expect this year’s retreat to be even better.

Enjoy a short clip about Joy For Life retreat 2008

Joy For Life Retreat 2009 will take place at our family’s favorite getaway, Stewart Mineral Hot Springs resort. Located in the pristine forest near Mt. Shasta, California, Stewart Mineral Springs Resort is beautiful and peaceful.

You may see for yourself:
Please register soon, as the space is very limited and is filling quickly.

In Health, Victoria

You may view more information by clicking here

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Raw Family Publishing
280 East Hersey Street
Unit 7
Ashland , Oregon 97520