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Dry Fasting in Ukraine
Raw Family's Best-Selling Book Package

Dry Fasting in Ukraine

How many days can one live without water? I always thought humans could survive without liquids for no more than three days. If after three days they don’t replenish their fluids they will inevitably die. Over the course of last year I met several people who excitedly shared with me their healing experiences on a 5-day dry fast at a special retreat. I became curious and started searching this subject on the Internet. The proponents of this healing method explained that when the organism begins to experience deficit of water, it cuts off the water supply to all sick cells and organs in the body. I was able to find many letters from dry-fasters describing their cases of successfully reversing serious conditions, such as radiation sickness, hypertension, arthritis, cancer, and others.

In November 2011, I was teaching a seminar in Moscow, Russia about green smoothies. After my presentation a woman approached me and gifted me with a book called "Abstinence from Food and Water Can Be Healing." She invited me to come to one of her retreats. The woman said that her name was Anna Yakuba and at her retreats she guides 11-days dry fasting retreats. This sounded scary and unbelievable to me.

When I returned home I kept thinking of Anna and her practice. I have always been curious of new and unusual healing modalities and I like trying different technics myself as a way of learning about human health. I read the book Anna gave me and in March this year decided to experiment and fast without water for a few days at home. I decided that as a means of staying safe, I would only fast until I began to notice any serious signs of alarm, such as feeling extremely low energy, heart palpitations, or the like. To my surprise abstaining from water and food was a lot easier than I expected and I fasted four days. On a fifth day I had frightening thoughts and broke my fast with water.

One month later I made another attempt and dry-fasted for five days. My fear didn’t allow me to do it longer. I contacted Anna and signed up for her retreat in July. At her retreat I would be closely monitored and could also observe how other participants were doing.

Dry Fasting Team

I am happy to share that I have just successfully completed a nine-day dry fast! On the last day of our group fast we were given 100 grams of spring water with a few drops of lemon juice in it. On the photo you may see our group holding cards with numbers showing the number of days everyone fasted. The digits are different because some people arrived at the retreat one or two days later.

Our group consisted of twelve people. Several ladies at this retreat were there specifically for treating cancer. They all claim that their tumors shrank and they generally feel a lot better. I aim to keep in touch with them and am expecting to hear about their up-coming medical tests. As for myself, I experienced profound spiritual shifts during my dry fast and am feeling amazing content and peace. I will share more about this unusual retreat in my future mailings.

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