"Espalier with Valya" – Instant Download

Learn to Espalier Dear Friends,

As many of you requested, we have put together a new package:

Video 1: What is Espalier; 6 minutes
Video 2. How to Espalier; 4.5 minutes
Audio: Valya Answers Popular Questions about Espalier; 60 minutes

The cost of this package is $19.85

To purchase this product click here.

Valya has been our family gardener for many years, but this year, Valya has surprised us with her new passion. She espaliers fruit trees. Considering that we started renting this house only seven months ago, the results are unbelievable. It has long been our dream to start a fruit garden. When our landlord welcomed our garden ideas, we got busy. We knew that it would take many years for trees to grow and start bearing fruit. When Valya began to spend time in garden stores and other people’s orchards, we didn’t pay much attention. Then one day we heard this word in our family: Espalier. Valya pronounced it with glowing eyes.

Learn to Espalier

Now we realize why she was so excited. From the trees and bushes that Valya received in the mail only six months ago, we are already harvesting our own apricots, figs, mulberries, black currants, peaches and grapes. We are now looking forward to our own pears, persimmons, and pawpaws. The best part is that all of these fruits are as organic as they can be, and perfectly ripe when we pick them. My two grandchildren say they never knew fruit could be so tasty.

The miracle of espalier allows multiple benefits for organic gardening including stronger healthier trees, more accessible fruit, and best of all, getting the highest yield from the smallest amount of space. If you are interested in learning this technique from Valya, you may prepare for growing your own espaliered fruit garden this fall from this new product we have put together.

In these videos, Valya demonstrates how to espalier a tree and explains how to take care of it. She shares the necessary steps including how and where to purchase a healthy tree, how to take care of it with minimal effort, and enjoy bountiful harvest of free, tree-ripened fruit for decades from your own back yard.

Video Tutorials on Learning to Espalier with Valya The cost of this package is $19.85

It includes:
Video 1: What is Espalier; 6 minutes
Video 2. How to Espalier; 4.5 minutes
Audio: Valya Answers Popular Questions about Espalier; 60 minutes

Download this package

Sincerely, Raw Family

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