In this Issue..

Tis the Smoothie to Be Jolly
Farewell to Silicone Jawcerciser™

Tis the Smoothie to Be Jolly

Dear Friends,
We invite you to make this green smoothie because it is perfect for the holiday season. This smoothie has an amazing taste and texture. I think the secret lays in the combination of bitter (dandelions), sour (cranberries) and sweet (dates and persimmons). We have been making it every other day and sharing with many friends. Everyone responded with “Wow!” My grandchildren said it tasted better than ice cream.

Healthy Shakes For the Holidays Royal Jolly Green Smoothie

1 bunch dandelions
4 ripe persimmons (seeds removed)
1 handful cranberries
4 dates (seeds and pith removed)
3 cups water (add more if mixture is too thick)
Blend well.

Yields 2 quarts

Farewell to Silicone Jawcerciser™

Order the Silicone Jawcerciser We are discontinuing the silicone jawcercisers and from now on will sell only jawcercisers made from natural resin. The reason is that silicone devices don’t last as long as the resin ones.

Since we have only about 40 of the silicone jawcercisers left in stock, we are reducing their price to $9.95.

You may order them here.

Enjoy a 1-minute video about the Jawcerciser

View the Jawcerciser Video

How the Jawcerciser ™ works

In keeping ourselves physically fit, we seldom think of exercising our cranio-facial musculature. In the gym, people exercise all their muscles except the cranio-facial complex. Modern food is often heavily processed and, as a result, too soft. Mashed potatoes, pancakes, pasta, bread, or grated vegetables, don’t pressure on our teeth, resulting in the development of low bone density in our jaw bones and teeth.

In addition to the weakening of our teeth and jawbone, the on-going lack of chewing leads to the shrinking of our salivary glands. According to scientific research, saliva possesses enzymes that attack the cell walls of many bacteria, thereby rupturing and killing bacteria. Lack of normal saliva flow may contribute to caries, periodontitis, and yellowing of the teeth.

The Jawcerciser enables anyone to compensate for missing adequate chewing. This simple device is a resistance exerciser for your jaw. Regular use of the Jawcerciser naturally increases the saliva flow and provides proper resistance for your teeth. Use of Jawcerciser for 1–3 minutes (or more) once or twice a day can greatly improve your oral and overall health.

Sincerely, Raw Family

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