1. If you travel a lot, how do you maintain a raw food diet, what do you eat?
2. Sergei, do you date only raw/ vegan girls?
3. What do you do besides teaching raw food?
4. When you were in college, did you encounter many problems communicating with others students?
5. Why should I eat wild edibles?
6. How do I know what's edible and what isn't?
7. Aren't all wild edibles bitter and unpleasant?
8. How can I eat wild edibles if I live in the New York City?
9. What is the recipe for green smoothie, (how many greens versus fruit)
10. Do you drink green smoothie every day?
Each of our conferences will last for 90 minutes and will cost $4.99 each or $7.99 for both.
The dates are:
Valya - Wednesday, March 12th at 5 PM Pacific Standard Time
Sergei – Thursday, March 13th at 5 PM Pacific Standard Time
After signing up you will receive a link to complete your registration. By clicking the button on this link you will be able to listen to Sergei and Valya answering your questions without paying any telephone charges. Or you may call a phone number that will be provided, in which case, long distance charges will apply.
At this link you will also have the opportunity to send us your questions ahead of time.
So gather your friends and loved ones around the computer, . curl up with your green smoothies and listen to our world-wide conversation.
Register for the Teleconferences