Let’s talk! I receive hundreds of e-mails every day. Not only can I not possibly answer them all, our computer (with two hard drives) cannot handle them. My staff is compelled to delete many without even opening them.
What’s the solution? I will answer your most frequently asked questions in a live 90-minute teleconference. You will be able to send your questions as soon as you sign up for the teleconference.
Examples of questions that I will be answering:
When I make green smoothies, is it okay to mix fruits and vegetables?
What about oxalic acid in spinach?
Can diabetics drink green smoothies?
On Monday night, we invite you to gather your friends and family around the computer. There are two options: listen on the phone (long distance charges apply) or gather around the computer and communicate by e-mail (no long distance charges apply).
You may listen to the teleconference live, or access the recording at your convenience for 30 days, through July 16th.
For every teleconference order, we will send a free copy of the book Raw Family: A True Story of Awakening autographed by Victoria.
The price of the teleconference is $10.00.
To sign up for the teleconference
click here to sign up