In this issue:     

1. Mango Popsicle Recipe
2. The Health Benefits
of Mango
3. A personal Note from Victoria
4. Flowersfor Hummingbirds
This Year’s Exciting Raw Food Events
6. Free Books For Your Libraries
Our Educational package is our most popular buy. 34% Savings.
A Very Special Announcement!


 ©2007 Copyrighted material!
Please reference the source when sharing this

Mango Popsicle
A mouth-watering recipe from Sergei and Valya’s up-comingrecipe book Fresh.

2 mangoes, peeled and cut
1 orange peeled , seeds removed
Blend the ingredients and pour into 4 oz paper cups.
Place popsicle stick in each cup.
Freeze for approximately 6 hours. Enjoy!
Yilds: 5-6 servings


HealthBenefits of Mango :

    Excellentsource of beta-carotene ( Vitamin A) Vitamin E and selenium which help protectagainst heart disease and cancer. Beta-carotene hasa protective effect against the harmful rays of the sun.

*     Alarge mango contains up to 40% of your daily fiber intake.

*  Mangoes contain phenols,this phenolic compound have powerful antioxidant and anticancer abilities.

*     Mangois high in iron, pregnant women and people with anemia are advised to eat thisfruit regularly.

*   Mango is effective inrelieving clogged pores of the skin.

*     Itis also valuable to combat acidity and poor digestion.

*   Mangois high in antioxidant and low in carbohydrates.[i]

A word of Caution: The mango is inthe same family as poison ivy and contains urushiol, though much less thanpoison ivy. Some people get dermatitis from touching mango peel or sap. Personsshowing an allergic reaction after handling a mango can usually enjoy the fruitif someone else first removes the skin. The leaves are toxic to cattle.[i]


A Personal Note from Victoria

Dear friends,

First, I would like to say a big heart felt Thank You To all of you for your numerous letters of support that arealways so helpful to me and inspire me to work harder and to dig deeper.

I am thrilled to let you know that Ihave finished working on my newest book Green Smoothie Revolution andwill put this book into print as soon as I will have enough funds. In order toraise money for this book I am going to teach a series of classes in the United States and Canada. I would prefer to teachlarger audiences (70 people or more). If you are interested in hosting myclass, please write to me at:   [email protected]  with “Speaking Engagement” in the subject line.

 Thanks to you, my email list isgrowing quickly with several hundred new subscribers from all over the worldjoining every month It currently extends 10,000. For comparison, when I sent myvery first newsletter in January of 2005, I had only 250 subscribers. In 2007there was only one person who has unsubscribed from my list. I feel a strongconnection with all of you. Through my newsletters I share my research and mythoughts with you. You email me with your ideas, send me some valuabletestimonials and some provocative questions. This communication has mutualbenefits for us all. However, it becomes increasingly hard to respond to youremail inquires as they also quickly grow in numbers. This has become even morefrustrating lately as many of you have sophisticated anti-spam programs and myreplies to you often come back to me, stopped by those Mailer Daemons. Tocombat this obstacle, I am now creating a forum, where I will be answering themost popular questions on a weekly basis and you will be able to witness theentire dialogue whenever you want.

In addition, I am organizing a seriesof teleconferences, where I will share my newest and most exciting research andanswer your questions live. I will send you a separate email about theseprojects in a couple of days.

And finally! I received probably themost exciting message from my dentist that I have ever dreamed of! Let me back upa little bit. I have several molars missing because they were extracted inerror when I was in my twenties. I have been told by dentists that because Ihadn’t have so many molars for so many years, my jaw bone has melted away andany dental work (holistic or standard) was problematic. My current dentist toldme the same thing two years ago. Today I visited him for a miner treatment andhe had to do an X-ray of my teeth. He told me that my jaw bone has a wonderfuland beautiful bone density and I now can have the dental work done that I couldonly dream about before. I kept telling him that it couldn’t be and is he sure?He kept looking at my x-rays and assured me that my jaw bone is very healthy asin a young person. It is especially amazing considering that I am 52 years old,the age when women usually lose bone density!


Many of you would probably want toknow what I have been doing that was different in these two years. I did twothings. I made an extensive effort to exercise and massage my jaws in differentways (also with the jaw exerciser) and I consumed two quarts of green smoothiedaily with the huge emphasis on dandelions. This plant is a world champion incalcium. No wonder it is called dandelion – ( French: Tooth of a lion)

There is a world of difference betweenthe calcium that we get from dairy and from greens. Yes, dairy contain calcium.But it also makes our body pH a lot more acidic. Then in order to sustainalkaline pH of the body, our organism draws calcium back from the bone. This ishow the consumption of calcium-rich dairy can even cause osteoporoses! On th contrary,greens contain a lot of high quality calcium and at the same time, they makeour body pH more alkaline, protecting our bones from leaching calcium.

I feel so happy now!  After many years, even decades, of fruitlesslytrying whatever possible to strengthen my jaws, I almost gave up not Yet, withthe right approach, it became a reality for me. Actually, I have noticed how myteeth and gums became stronger in the last couple of years.

I will share more with you in myfuture articles and forums. Enjoy your greens!

In Health,


Sergei is sending you a big wild hello from the top of Mt. McLaughlin inOregon, where he is hiking today with a group of people!


Flowers for Hummingbirds
Text and photo by Valya Boutenko

Hummingbirds are one of the most charming creatures that enhanceour life and bring us closer to nature. While appreciating their beauty we wantto treat them in the most caring way. Unfortunately, the practice of feedingwhite sugar to hummingbirds is wide spread. While the scientists are telling usthat white sugar does not harm these birds, I am sure that it is just a matterof time before their research will prove that the opposite is true, similarlyas it is well-known how damaging white sugar is to humans, bees, and other creatures.

At the same time there is a simple, natural, and absolutely safeway to attract hummingbirds to your home by planting flowers, especially the redand purple ones.  Simply go to your localWal-Mart and buy some flowers in the pot for $1--$5 and you will have thehummingbirds circling around your window (balcony, porch, etc.) to yours and theirdelight.

Native to the tropics and Southwest America,the hummingbird feedsexclusively on the nectar that it sucks out of tubular flowers through its longcapillary tube or straw of a beak.

Hummingbirds get much oftheir water from nectar, and very strong solutions of sugar may causedehydration and kidney damage.[1]

Anybright color flowers attract hummingbirds. At our house in Oregon we tried geranium, fuchsia,impatiens, foxglove, petunias, bee balm, honeysuckle, trumpet creeper, andcolumbine.

 Copyright 2007 by Valya Boutenko.
Please reference this source when sharingthis information:


This year is abundant in exciting raw food events:

July 27-29, 2007
Mount Shasta First AnnualLiving Food Expo

Click here for more info


August24-27, 2007 9AM-6PM, Fort Bragg, California
TheThird Annual Vibrant Living Expo


September 6 – 9, 2007 - Portland, OR
The2007 Raw and Living Spirit Retreat

October 12-14, 2007 - Sedona, AZ
The Raw SpiritFestival




Dear friends,

Barnes& Noble’s, Baker and Taylor, and other bookstores, whichare selling our books, return a box of Green For Life books to us everymonth.  These books are considered “slightlydamaged” and not suitable for sale. They are in a very good shape and we offerthese books to libraries and schools for free. If you local library would liketo have the book Green For Life, please email me the address of yourlibrary, and I will send it to them directly absolutely free.



Our most popular buy! 34% savings!

12 Steps to Raw Foods (New!)
Green for Life
Raw Family - A True Story of Awakening
Eating Without Heating

New!Interview with Sergei
12 Steps to Raw Foods
Greens Can Save Your Life
Is Raw Food for You
Raw Gourmet Dishes Simplified
Spiritual Awakening with Raw Food

Two free bonuses with each Package:
One 9oz pack of Igor’s freshly made crackers
One Poster, The Ten Benefits of Green Smoothie

Order by Clicking Here


A Very Special Announcement!

I havebeen invited to be a guest expert at a RawSummit!

Mark Perlmutter, the producer of "Raw for30 Days" and Kevin Gianni,
Optimal Health Expert, have spent the last few months putting
together a panel of medical, nutrition, and raw/living food experts
that are quietly changing the way people approach health, fitness
and wellness.

The expert panel includes David Wolfe, Dr.Gabriel Cousens, Victoria
Boutenko, and others that will give you powerful insight into their
lives and how they maintain vibrant health. Their mission is to
reach as many people as possible, and create a way for every one of
you to be able to receive this information at absolutely no cost.

Anyone else who happens upon this site byfinding it on the web will
have to pay for access to the program. For you it is absolutely
free...just click on the link below.


The power of the internet has given this eventthe opportunity to
reach hundreds of thousands of people just like you who want to know
more about what's happening in the raw, vegan, veggie and living
foods world and how you can easily implement it into your life for
maximum happiness, health and joy.

Hurry and sign up now, the event starts onAugust 1st!


Please note: Previous issues of the Raw Family Newsletter are nowavailable
free of charge on our website:

If you have signed up before butare not yet receiving the newsletter,
it may be because of youranti-spam program.

Every time we send the newsletterout, we receive over 100 returns due to theanti-spam programs. Make sure we areadded to your address book!




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