;(function($, undefined) { var defaults = { 'damping': 8, 'steps': 15, 'mode': 'dock', 'zoom': 15, 'controls': true, 'size': 'actual' // actual|src|css-width }, p = 'swinxyzoom'; /** * */ function E(e, x) { this.e = e.get(0); this.j = e.first(); if (x != undefined) $.extend(this, x); } /** * @constructor */ function Zoom(element, options) { var s = this; s.element = $(element); s.options = $['extend']({}, defaults, options); s.driver = new $.fn.swinxyzoom.modes[s.options['mode']](this); s.initialised = false; // true when the target elements html is rebuilt s.enabled = false; // true when everything is up and running s.waiting = null; // holds callback if waiting on user interaction before loading large image s.element.css({cursor: 'default'}); s.dmp = {cX: 0, tX: 0, cY: 0, tY: 0, timer: false}; s.last = false; s.hasFocus = false; /* * Internal functions used as callbacks requiring a this = that style * closure */ /** * */ s._animate = function() { var dmp = s.dmp, sis = s.si.e.style, d = s.options['damping'], xDiff = dmp.tX - dmp.cX, yDiff = dmp.tY - dmp.cY; sis.left = (dmp.cX += xDiff / d) + 'px'; sis.top = (dmp.cY += yDiff / d) + 'px'; if ((~~(xDiff) == 0) && (~~(yDiff) == 0)) { clearTimeout(dmp.timer); dmp.timer = false; } }; /** * */ s._moveSlider = function(tp) { var y = tp.pointers[0].y; var offset = s.ct.sl.j.offset(); var scale = (s.maxZoom / s.ct.sl.j.height()); y = s.ct.sl.j.height() - (y - offset.top); var level = y * scale; s.zoom(level, s.cursor.lastX, s.cursor.lastY); }; /** * */ s._focus = function() { var offset = s.dp.j.offset(); s.dp.ol = offset.left; s.dp.ot = offset.top; s.hasFocus = true; if (s.options['controls']) { s.ct.j.show(); s.ct.ol.j.stop().animate({opacity:0.5}, {queue:false}); s.ct.j.show(); } if ((s.last !== false) && (s.last.w != s.rt.j.width() || s.last.h != s.rt.j.height())) { s.rebuild(function() { s.zoom(s.maxZoom, s.cursor.lastX, s.cursor.lastY); if (s.driver.load) s.driver.load(s.cursor.lastX, s.cursor.lastY); s.zoom(s.maxZoom, s.cursor.lastX, s.cursor.lastY); }); } s.last = {w: s.rt.j.width(), h: s.rt.j.height()}; }; /** * */ s._blur = function(e) { s.hasFocus = false; jQuery("body").getNiceScroll().show(); if (s.options['controls']) { s.ct.j.hide(); s.ct.ol.j.stop().animate({opacity:0.0}, {queue:false, complete: function() { }}); //s.ct.j.stop().animate({opacity:0.0},{queue:false, complete: function() { s.ct.j.hide(); }}); } } /** * */ s._mousewheel = function(e, d, x, y) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery("body").getNiceScroll().hide(); s.zoom(s.level + Math.round(y * (s.maxZoom / s.options['steps'])), e.pageX, e.pageY); }; /** * */ s._stepIn = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); s.zoom(s.level + Math.round(1 * (s.maxZoom / s.options['steps'])), s.cursor.lastX, s.cursor.lastY); }; /** * */ s._stepOut = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); s.zoom(s.level + Math.round(-1 * (s.maxZoom / s.options['steps'])), s.cursor.lastX, s.cursor.lastY); }; var scaleStartLevel; s._scale = []; s._scale[1] = function(e) { scaleStartLevel = s.level; $('#info').append('start[' + scaleStartLevel + '] '); }; s._scale[2] = function(e) { $('#info').append('s '); $('#info').append('s[' + Math.abs((scaleStartLevel * e.scale)) + ',' + e.position.x + '] '); s.zoom((scaleStartLevel * e.scale), e.position.x, e.position.y); }; s._scale[3] = function(e) {}; var thumbSrc = s.element.children().first().attr('src'); var largeSrc = s.element.attr('href'); var img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { s.load(thumbSrc, largeSrc); } img.src = thumbSrc; } /** * */ Zoom.prototype.load = function(thumb, large, hasFocus) { var s = this; if (!thumb) thumb = s.dp.tn.src; if (!large) large = s.si.src; var delayedLoad = function() { if (hasFocus) s._focus(); s.dp.tn.src = thumb; s.si.src = large; /* * Handle loading of the thumbnail */ if (s.dp.tn.j.attr('src') != s.dp.tn.src) { s.dp.tn.j.one('load', function() { if (s.options.size == 'actual') s.rt.j.css({width:s.dp.tn.j.width(), height:s.dp.tn.j.height()}); s.dp.tn.j.stop().animate({opacity: 1.0}, {queue: false, complete: function() { s.rt.bg.j.attr('src', s.dp.tn.src); s.dp.tn.j.css({opacity: 0.0}); }}); }); s.dp.tn.j.attr('src', s.dp.tn.src); } /* * Handle loading of the large image */ var hndLoad = function(x, y) { var _hndMove; s.si.j.one('load', function() { s.dp.j.off('sxy-move sxy-hover', _hndMove); s.waiting = null; s.rebuild(function() { s.zoom(((s.maxZoom / s.options.steps) * s.options.zoom), s.cursor.lastX, s.cursor.lastY); if (s.driver.load) s.driver.load(s.cursor.lastX, s.cursor.lastY); s.zoom(((s.maxZoom / s.options.steps) * s.options.zoom), s.cursor.lastX, s.cursor.lastY); s.rt.j.toggleClass('sxy-zoom-loading'); }); }); s.cursor = { lastX: x, lastY: y}; s.dp.j.on('sxy-move sxy-hover', _hndMove = function(e) { var p = e.pointers[0]; s.cursor = {lastX: p.x, lastY: p.y}; }); s.si.j.attr('src', s.si.src); } if (hasFocus) { s.waiting = null; s.rt.j.toggleClass('sxy-zoom-loading'); hndLoad(0, 0); } else { if (!s.waiting) { s.rt.j.one('sxy-focus', s.waiting = function(e) { s.rt.j.toggleClass('sxy-zoom-loading'); hndLoad(e.pointers[0].x, e.pointers[0].y); }); } } }; if (s.initialised == false) { s.tearUp(delayedLoad); } else { delayedLoad(); } }; /** * */ Zoom.prototype.getNaturalSize = function(src, cb) { var i = new Image(); i.onload = function() { cb({ w: i.width, h: i.height }); }; i.src = src; }; /** * */ Zoom.prototype.rebuild = function(cb) { var s = this, dp = s.dp, vp = s.vp, si = s.si, vf = s.vf; // Dragpad $.extend(dp, { w : (s.options['size'] == 'actual') ? dp.tn.j.width() : s.rt.j.width(), h : (s.options['size'] == 'actual') ? dp.tn.j.height() : s.rt.j.height(), ol : dp.j.offset().left, ot : dp.j.offset().top, hyp : Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dp.tn.j.width(), 2) + Math.pow(dp.tn.j.height(), 2))) }); // Container switch (s.options['size']) { case 'actual': s.rt.j.css({width: dp.w, height:dp.h}); break; case 'src': s.rt.j.css({width: dp.w, height:dp.h}); break; } // Viewport $.extend(vp, { w: dp.w, h: dp.h }); s.vp.j.css({width: dp.w, height:dp.h}); // Scale Image s.getNaturalSize(s.si.src, function(siNs) { $.extend(si, { w: 0, h: 0, l: 0, t: 0, mL: 0, mT: 0, oHyp: Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(siNs.w, 2) + Math.pow(siNs.h, 2))), oH: siNs.h, oW: siNs.w }); // View Finder $.extend(vf, {w: 0, h: 0, l: 0, t: 0}); // Controls s.ct.sl.j.css({height: (s.ct.sl.h = (s.ct.j.height() - (s.ct.zin.j.outerHeight() + s.ct.zout.j.outerHeight())))}); s.ct.sl.h -= 16; // General Variables clearTimeout(s.dmp.timer); s.dmp = {cX: 0, tX: 0, cY: 0, tY: 0, timer: false}; s.scale = Math.atan(s.si.oH / s.si.oW); s.angle = 0; s.maxZoom = si.oHyp - dp.hyp; s.level = 0; cb(); }); }; /** * */ Zoom.prototype.tearUp = function(cb) { var t = null, s = this, tplWrapper = '
', tplContent = '' + '{auto}' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
'; s.initialised = true; /* * Asked to load a new image without ever tearing up the original, clear * waiting. */ // Target Element s.el = new E(s.element); s.el.tn = new E(s.element.children()); s.getNaturalSize(s.el.tn.j.attr('src'), function(thumbDimensions) {console.log('tear-up ' + s.options['mode']); var width, height; switch (s.options['size']) { case 'actual': width = thumbDimensions.w + 'px'; height = thumbDimensions.h + 'px'; break; case 'src': width = s.el.tn.j.attr('width') + 'px'; height = 'auto'; break; default: width = s.options['size']; height = 'auto'; } var filters = { 'w': width, 'h': height, 'srcthumb': s.el.tn.j.attr('src'), 'mode': s.options['mode'], 'auto': ((height == 'auto') ? '
' : '') }; s.el.j.wrap(tplWrapper.replace(/\{(\w+)\}/g, function(s, k) { return filters[k] || s; })); s.element.hide(); // Root Container s.rt = new E(s.el.j.parent()); s.rt.j.append(tplContent.replace(/\{(\w+)\}/g, function(s, k) { return filters[k] || s; })); s.rt.bg = new E(s.rt.j.find('.sxy-zoom-bg')); s.rt.j.on('dragstart', function(e) { return false; }); // Controls s.ct = new E(s.rt.j.find('.sxy-controls').hide()); s.ct.ol = new E(s.ct.j.find('.overlay')); s.ct.zin = new E(s.ct.j.find('.in')); s.ct.zout = new E(s.ct.j.find('.out')); s.ct.sl = new E((t = s.ct.j.find('.sxy-slider').first()), {h:0 }); s.ct.hnd = new E(s.ct.j.find('.sxy-handle')); // Dragpad s.dp = new E((t = s.rt.j.find('.sxy-zoom-dragpad').first()), {w: 0, h: 0, ol: 0, ot: 0, hyp: 0}); s.dp.ovl = new E(s.dp.j.find('.sxy-overlay')); s.dp.tn = new E(s.dp.j.find('.inner-thumb').css({opacity: 0}), {src: ''}); // Viewport s.vp = new E(s.dp.j.find('.sxy-zoom-viewport').css({opacity: 0.0}), {w: 0, h: 0}); // Scale Image s.si = new E(s.vp.j.find('img'), {w: 0, h: 0, l: 0, t: 0, mL: 0, mT: 0, oHyp: 0, oH: 0, oW: 0, src: ''}); // View Finder s.vf = new E(s.dp.j.find('.sxy-zoom-viewfinder').css({display: 'none'}), {w: 0, h: 0, l: 0, t: 0, osl: 0, ost: 0}); /* * Wire up the events we're interested in */ s.rt.j.on('sxy-focus', s._focus); s.rt.j.on('sxy-blur', s._blur); if($.event['special'].mousewheel) s.rt.j.on('mousewheel', s._mousewheel); s.dp.j.on('sxy-scale', function(e) { s._scale[e.state](e);}); s.ct.zin.j.on('click', s._stepIn); s.ct.zout.j.on('click', s._stepOut); s.ct.sl.j.on('sxy-down sxy-move', s._moveSlider); cb(); }); }; /** * */ Zoom.prototype.move = function(left, top, animate) { var s = this; /* * Update viewfinder values, we dont change the css here * and leave that upto the driver. */ var sL = (-1 * (left / s.scale)); var sT = (-1 * (top / s.scale)); // Store requested center point (usually this is the relative x,y of the cursor, this // is needed later to zoom in and out as expected. s.cursor.lastX = sL + (s.vf.w / 2) + s.dp.ol; s.cursor.lastY = sT + (s.vf.h / 2) + s.dp.ot; /* * Keep values within range of the current scaled original * image. */ if (sL < 0) { sL = left = 0; } if (sT < 0) { sT = top = 0; } if ((sL + s.vf.w) > s.dp.w) { sL = s.dp.w - s.vf.w; left = s.si.mL; } if ((sT + s.vf.h) > s.dp.h) { sT = s.dp.h - s.vf.h; top = s.si.mT; } // IE8 FIX - For some reason subpixel rounding in IE8 appears to work differently? So // for the momment lets just force everyone to floor it. s.vf.l = ~~(sL); s.vf.t = ~~(sT); /* * Prime the dampening animation */ s.dmp.tX = left; s.dmp.tY = top; if (animate && s.options['damping'] != false) { if (!s.dmp.timer) s.dmp.timer = setInterval(s._animate, 16); // Aim for 60fps } else { clearTimeout(s.dmp.timer); s.dmp.timer = false; var sis = s.si.e.style; sis.left = (s.dmp.tX = s.dmp.cX = left) + 'px'; sis.top = (s.dmp.tY = s.dmp.cY = top) + 'px'; } }; /** * */ Zoom.prototype.center = function(x, y, animate) { var s = this; s.move((-1 * ((x - (s.vf.w / 2)) * s.scale)), (-1 * ((y - (s.vf.h / 2)) * s.scale)), animate); }; /** * */ Zoom.prototype.zoom = function(level, x, y) { var s = this, t = null; /* * Ensure we never go beyond the calculated maxmimum zoom * level */ s.level = level; if (s.level < 0) s.level = 0; if (s.level > s.maxZoom) s.level = s.maxZoom; var pc = (((s.si.oHyp - s.level) / s.si.oHyp) * 100); // TODO: account for height of element s.ct.hnd.j.css({top:(s.ct.sl.h - ((s.ct.sl.h / 100) * ((s.level / s.maxZoom) * 100)))}); s.vf.w = ((s.vp.w / 100) * pc); s.vf.h = ((s.vp.h / 100) * pc); // TODO: is this still used? s.vf.osl = parseInt(s.vf.j.css('border-left-width'), 10); s.vf.ost = parseInt(s.vf.j.css('border-top-width'), 10); /* * Scale gives us a multiplier we can use to translate the cursor coordinates on the thumnail to what * the coordiantes on the large image would be at the current zoom level. */ // full image width / dragpad width = maximum possible scale // full scaled image width / viewing area width = portion of scaled image to display s.scale = (s.si.oW / s.vp.w) / (((s.si.oW / 100) * pc) / s.vp.w); s.si.w = (s.si.oW / (((s.si.oW / 100)*pc) / s.dp.w)); s.si.h = (s.si.oH / (((s.si.oH / 100)*pc) / s.dp.h)); s.vf.j.css({width: s.vf.w, height: s.vf.h}); s.si.j.css({width: s.si.w, height: s.si.h}); s.si.mL = (0 - (s.si.w - s.vp.w)); s.si.mT = (0 - (s.si.h - s.vp.h)); if (s.driver.zoom) s.driver.zoom(x, y); }; /** * */ $.fn[p] = function(method) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return this.each(function() { var zoom; if((zoom = $.data(this, p))) { if(zoom[method]) return zoom[method].apply(zoom, args) $.error("Method " + method + " does not exist on jQuery.swinxyzoom") } else { $.data(this, p, new Zoom(this, method)) } }); } // Add a container for the various zoom modes $.fn[p]['modes'] = {}; }) (jQuery); ;(function($, undefined) { var defaults = { position: 'right' }; var venderChecked = false; var vendorPropertyMap = { 'backgroundSize': { 'supported' : false, 'variations' : ['backgroundSize', 'WebkitBackgroundSize', 'MozBackgroundSize', 'OBackgroundSize', 'msBackgroundSize'] } }; /** * Determines which CSS3 attribute should be used by the * current browser. */ function checkVendorPropertyMap(map) { var checked = 0, supported = 0; for (var k in map) { ++checked; var property = map[k], variations = property.variations; for (var i = 0, m = variations.length; i < m; ++i) { if(document.createElement('div').style[variations[i]] !== undefined) { ++supported; property.supported = variations[i]; break; } } } return (checked == supported); } /** * */ function ZoomDock(b) { this.initialised = false; if (!venderChecked) // We only want to run the checks once per page load { venderChecked = true; vendorPropertyMap['_all'] = checkVendorPropertyMap(vendorPropertyMap); } var hasFocus = false, s = this, vpLeft = 0, vpTop = 0, useBgSize = vendorPropertyMap.backgroundSize.supported; var _hndMove = function(e) { var p; if ( e.pointers.length == 1) { p = e.pointers[0]; move(p.x, p.y, true); } }; var options = $.extend({}, defaults, ((b.options.dock != undefined) ? b.options.dock : {})); function checkBounds(x, y) { var offset = b.dp.j.offset(), left = offset.left, top = offset.top, right = left + b.dp.j.width(), bottom = top + b.dp.j.height(); return ((y < top || x > right || y > bottom || x < left) ? false : true); }; function blur() { if (hasFocus) { hasFocus = false; b.vf.j.hide(); b.dp.ovl.j.stop().animate({opacity: 0.0}, {queue: false}); b.vp.j.stop().animate({opacity: 0.0, left: (b.dp.w / 2), top: (b.dp.h / 2), width: 0, height: 0}, { queue: false }); } }; function focus(x, y) { if (!b.waiting) { hasFocus = true; b.si.j.show(); b.vp.j.show(); b.vf.j.show(); b.dp.ovl.j.stop().animate({opacity: 0.5}, {queue: false}); b.vp.j.stop().animate({opacity: 1.0, left: vpLeft, top: vpTop, width: b.vp.w, height: b.vp.h}, { queue: false }); s.move(x, y, true); } }; function tearUp() { b.rt.j.on('sxy-focus', function(e) { var p = e.pointers[0]; focus(p.x, p.y); }); b.rt.j.on('sxy-blur', function(e) { blur(); }); b.dp.j.on('sxy-hover sxy-move sxy-down', _hndMove); // We favour background image scaling over the image tag as it gives considerably better // performance accross the range of browsers if (useBgSize == false) { var img = $(''); b.vf.j.append(img); b.vf.img = { j: img, e: img.get(0) }; } s.initialised = true; }; var timer = false, lastLeft, lastTop; function load(x, y) { switch (options.position) { case 'top': vpLeft = 0; vpTop = (-1 * (b.dp.h + 10)); break; case 'right': vpLeft = b.dp.w + 10; vpTop = 0; break; case 'bottom': vpLeft = 0; vpTop = b.dp.h + 10; break; case 'left': vpLeft = (-1 * (b.dp.w + 10)); vpTop = 0; break; } b.vp.j.css({width: 0, height: 0, left: (b.dp.w / 2), top: (b.dp.h / 2)}); b.dp.ovl.j.css({opacity: 0}); b.vf.j.css({'position': 'relative', 'overflow': 'hidden'}); lastLeft = lastTop = 0; if (!s.initialised) tearUp(); if (useBgSize == false) { b.vf.img.j.attr('src', b.dp.tn.src); b.vf.img.j.css({width: b.dp.w, height: b.dp.h}); } else { b.vf.j.css('background-image', 'url(' + b.dp.tn.src + ')'); b.vf.j.css(useBgSize, b.dp.w + 'px ' + b.dp.h + 'px'); } if (b.hasFocus) focus(x, y); }; function zoom(x, y) { move(x, y, false); }; function _moveViewFinder() { if (!s.initialised) return; var vf = b.vf, vfs = b.vf.e.style; if (vf.l != lastLeft || vf.t != lastTop) { vfs.left = (lastLeft = vf.l) + 'px'; vfs.top = (lastTop = vf.t) + 'px'; if (useBgSize == false) { var vfi = b.vf.img.e.style; vfi.left = '-' + (vf.l + vf.osl) + 'px'; vfi.top = '-' + (vf.t + vf.ost) + 'px'; } else { vfs.backgroundPosition = '-' + (vf.l + vf.osl) + 'px' + ' -' + (vf.t + vf.ost) + 'px'; } timer = setTimeout(_moveViewFinder, 8); } else { timer = false; } } /** * */ function move(x, y, animate) { if (checkBounds(x, y)) { if (!hasFocus) focus(x, y); b.center((x - b.dp.ol), (y - b.dp.ot), animate); if (!timer) _moveViewFinder(); } else { blur(); } }; s.tearUp = tearUp; s.load = load; s.focus = focus; s.blur = blur; s.move = move; s.zoom = zoom; } $.fn['swinxyzoom']['modes']['dock'] = ZoomDock; }) (jQuery); ;(function($, undefined) { /** * @constructor */ function ZoomWindow(b) { var s = this; this.initialised = false; function tearUp(x, y) { b.rt.j.on('sxy-focus', function(e) { focus(e.pointers[0].x, e.pointers[0].y); }); b.rt.j.on('sxy-blur', function() { blur(); }); b.dp.j.on('sxy-hover sxy-move sxy-down', function(e) { var p; if ( e.pointers.length == 1) { p = e.pointers[0]; move(p.x, p.y, true); } }); }; var timer = false, lastLeft, lastTop; function load(x, y) { b.vp.j.css({opacity: 0.0, width: b.dp.w, height: b.dp.h, left: 0, top: 0}); lastLeft = lastTop = 0; if (!s.initialised) s.tearUp(); if (b.hasFocus) s.focus(x, y); } function focus(x, y) { if (!b.waiting) { b.si.j.show(); b.vp.j.show(); b.vf.j.show(); b.vp.j.stop().animate({opacity: 1.0}, { queue: false }); move(x, y, true); } }; function blur() { b.vf.j.hide(); b.vp.j.stop().animate({opacity: 0.0}, { queue: false }); }; function zoom(x, y) { move(x, y, false); }; function _moveViewFinder() { var vf = b.vf, vfs = b.vf.e.style; if (vf.l != lastLeft || vf.t != lastTop) { vfs.left = (lastLeft = vf.l) + 'px'; vfs.top = (lastTop = vf.t) + 'px'; timer = setTimeout(_moveViewFinder, 8); } else { timer = false; } } function move(x, y, animate) { b.center((x - b.dp.ol), (y - b.dp.ot), animate); if (!timer) _moveViewFinder(); }; s.tearUp = tearUp; s.load = load; s.focus = focus; s.blur = blur; s.move = move; s.zoom = zoom; } $.fn['swinxyzoom']['modes']['window'] = ZoomWindow; }) (jQuery); ;(function($, undefined) { function ZoomSlippy(b) { this.initialised = false; var s = this, start = {}; function tearUp() { b.dp.j.on('sxy-focus', function(e) { focus(e.pointers[0].x, e.pointers[0].y); }); b.dp.j.on('sxy-blur', function(e) { blur(); }); b.dp.j.on('sxy-down', function(e) { b.dp.j.toggleClass('down'); var p = e.pointers[0]; start = { l: b.dmp.tX, t: b.dmp.tY, x: p.x - b.dp.ol, y: p.y - b.dp.ot }}); b.dp.j.on('sxy-up', function(e) { b.dp.j.toggleClass('down'); }); b.dp.j.on('sxy-move', function(e) { var p = e.pointers[0]; move(p.x, p.y); }); } var timer = false, lastLeft, lastTop; function load(x, y) { b.vp.j.css({opacity: 0.0, width: b.dp.w, height: b.dp.h, left: 0, top: 0}); start = { l: 0, t: 0, x: x, y: y }; b.center((b.dp.w / 2), (b.dp.h / 2), false); lastLeft = lastTop = 0; if (!s.initialised) tearUp(); if (b.hasFocus) focus(x, y); }; function focus(x, y) { if (!b.waiting) { b.si.j.show(); b.vp.j.show(); b.vf.j.show(); b.vp.j.stop().animate({opacity: 1.0}, { queue: false }); } }; function blur(x, y) { b.vf.j.hide(); b.vp.j.animate({opacity: 0.0}, { queue: false }); }; function zoom(x, y) { b.center(b.cursor.lastX- b.dp.ol, b.cursor.lastY - b.dp.ot, false); b.vf.j.css({left:b.vf.l, top:b.vf.t}); }; function _moveViewFinder() { var vf = b.vf, vfs = b.vf.e.style; if (vf.l != lastLeft || vf.t != lastTop) { vfs.left = (lastLeft = vf.l) + 'px'; vfs.top = (lastTop = vf.t) + 'px'; timer = setTimeout(_moveViewFinder, 8); } else { timer = false; } } function move(x, y) { b.move((start.l + ((x - b.dp.ol) - start.x)), (start.t + ((y - b.dp.ot) - start.y)), true); if (!timer) _moveViewFinder(); }; s.tearUp = tearUp; s.load = load; s.focus = focus; s.blur = blur; s.zoom = zoom; } $.fn['swinxyzoom']['modes']['slippy'] = ZoomSlippy; }) (jQuery); ;(function($, undefined) { var defaults = { width: 200, height: 200 }; function ZoomLens(b) { this.initialised = false; var s = this, hasFocus = true; var _hndMove = function(e) { var p; if ( e.pointers.length == 1) { p = e.pointers[0]; move(p.x, p.y, true); } }; var options = $.extend({}, defaults, ((b.options.lens != undefined) ? b.options.lens : {})); function tearUp(x, y) { b.dp.j.swinxytouch('bound'); b.dp.j.on('sxy-focus', function(e) { focus(e.pointers[0].x, e.pointers[0].y); }); b.dp.j.on('sxy-blur', function() { blur(); }); }; var timer = false, lastLeft, lastTop; function load(x, y) { b.vp.j.css({opacity: 0.0, width: options.width, height: options.height, left: 0, top: 0}); b.vp.w = options.width; b.vp.h = options.height; b.vp.j.show(); b.si.j.show(); b.vf.j.hide(); lastLeft = lastTop = 0; if (!s.initialised) s.tearUp(); if (b.hasFocus) focus(x, y); } function focus(x, y) { if (!b.waiting) { hasFocus = true; b.dp.j.on('sxy-hover sxy-move sxy-down', _hndMove); b.vp.j.show(); b.vp.j.stop().animate({opacity: 1.0, width: b.vp.w, height: b.vp.h}, { queue: false }); s.move(x, y, true); } }; function blur() { if (hasFocus) { hasFocus = false; b.dp.j.off('sxy-hover sxy-move sxy-down', _hndMove); b.vp.j.stop().animate({opacity: 0.0}, { queue: false, complete: function() { b.vp.j.hide(); } }); } }; function _moveViewFinder() { var vf = b.vf, vp = b.vp, vps = b.vp.e.style; if (vf.l != lastLeft || vf.t != lastTop) { vps.left = (b.cursor.lastX - b.dp.ol) - (vp.w / 2) + 'px'; vps.top = (b.cursor.lastY - b.dp.ot) - (vp.h / 2) + 'px'; timer = setTimeout(_moveViewFinder, 8); } else { timer = false; } } function move(x, y, animate) { b.center((x - b.dp.ol), (y - b.dp.ot), animate); if (!timer) _moveViewFinder(); }; function zoom(x, y) { move(x, y, false); }; s.tearUp = tearUp; s.load = load; s.focus = focus; s.blur = blur; s.move = move; s.zoom = zoom; } $.fn['swinxyzoom']['modes']['lens'] = ZoomLens; }) (jQuery); /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 06:06:33 Sep 05, 2015 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 09:57:05 Jan 06, 2020. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): captures_list: 717.204 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 266.89 (2) LoadShardBlock: 647.753 (3) exclusion.robots.policy: 0.256 RedisCDXSource: 54.835 exclusion.robots: 0.274 load_resource: 502.093 PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 862.674 (5) esindex: 0.013 CDXLines.iter: 11.474 (3) * defaults = { 'damping': 8, 'steps': 15, 'mode': 'dock', 'zoom': 15, 'controls': true, 'size': 'actual' // actual|src|css-width }, p = 'swinxyzoom'; /** * */ function E(e, x) { this.e = e.get(0); this.j = e.first(); if (x != undefined) $.extend(this, x); } /** * @constructor */ function Zoom(element, options) { var s = this; s.element = $(element); s.options = $['extend']({}, defaults, options); s.driver = new $.fn.swinxyzoom.modes[s.options['mode']](this); s.initialised = false; // true when the target elements html is rebuilt s.enabled = false; // true when everything is up and running s.waiting = null; // holds callback if waiting on user interaction before loading large image s.element.css({cursor: 'default'}); s.dmp = {cX: 0, tX: 0, cY: 0, tY: 0, timer: false}; s.last = false; s.hasFocus = false; /* * Internal functions used as callbacks requiring a this = that style * closure */ /** * */ s._animate = function() { var dmp = s.dmp, sis = s.si.e.style, d = s.options['damping'], xDiff = dmp.tX - dmp.cX, yDiff = dmp.tY - dmp.cY; sis.left = (dmp.cX += xDiff / d) + 'px'; sis.top = (dmp.cY += yDiff / d) + 'px'; if ((~~(xDiff) == 0) && (~~(yDiff) == 0)) { clearTimeout(dmp.timer); dmp.timer = false; } }; /** * */ s._moveSlider = function(tp) { var y = tp.pointers[0].y; var offset = s.ct.sl.j.offset(); var scale = (s.maxZoom / s.ct.sl.j.height()); y = s.ct.sl.j.height() - (y - offset.top); var level = y * scale; s.zoom(level, s.cursor.lastX, s.cursor.lastY); }; /** * */ s._focus = function() { var offset = s.dp.j.offset(); s.dp.ol = offset.left; s.dp.ot = offset.top; s.hasFocus = true; if (s.options['controls']) { s.ct.j.show(); s.ct.ol.j.stop().animate({opacity:0.5}, {queue:false}); s.ct.j.show(); } if ((s.last !== false) && (s.last.w != s.rt.j.width() || s.last.h != s.rt.j.height())) { s.rebuild(function() { s.zoom(s.maxZoom, s.cursor.lastX, s.cursor.lastY); if (s.driver.load) s.driver.load(s.cursor.lastX, s.cursor.lastY); s.zoom(s.maxZoom, s.cursor.lastX, s.cursor.lastY); }); } s.last = {w: s.rt.j.width(), h: s.rt.j.height()}; }; /** * */ s._blur = function(e) { s.hasFocus = false; jQuery("body").getNiceScroll().show(); if (s.options['controls']) { s.ct.j.hide(); s.ct.ol.j.stop().animate({opacity:0.0}, {queue:false, complete: function() { }}); //s.ct.j.stop().animate({opacity:0.0},{queue:false, complete: function() { s.ct.j.hide(); }}); } } /** * */ s._mousewheel = function(e, d, x, y) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery("body").getNiceScroll().hide(); s.zoom(s.level + Math.round(y * (s.maxZoom / s.options['steps'])), e.pageX, e.pageY); }; /** * */ s._stepIn = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); s.zoom(s.level + Math.round(1 * (s.maxZoom / s.options['steps'])), s.cursor.lastX, s.cursor.lastY); }; /** * */ s._stepOut = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); s.zoom(s.level + Math.round(-1 * (s.maxZoom / s.options['steps'])), s.cursor.lastX, s.cursor.lastY); }; var scaleStartLevel; s._scale = []; s._scale[1] = function(e) { scaleStartLevel = s.level; $('#info').append('start[' + scaleStartLevel + '] '); }; s._scale[2] = function(e) { $('#info').append('s '); $('#info').append('s[' + Math.abs((scaleStartLevel * e.scale)) + ',' + e.position.x + '] '); s.zoom((scaleStartLevel * e.scale), e.position.x, e.position.y); }; s._scale[3] = function(e) {}; var thumbSrc = s.element.children().first().attr('src'); var largeSrc = s.element.attr('href'); var img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { s.load(thumbSrc, largeSrc); } img.src = thumbSrc; } /** * */ Zoom.prototype.load = function(thumb, large, hasFocus) { var s = this; if (!thumb) thumb = s.dp.tn.src; if (!large) large = s.si.src; var delayedLoad = function() { if (hasFocus) s._focus(); s.dp.tn.src = thumb; s.si.src = large; /* * Handle loading of the thumbnail */ if (s.dp.tn.j.attr('src') != s.dp.tn.src) { s.dp.tn.j.one('load', function() { if (s.options.size == 'actual') s.rt.j.css({width:s.dp.tn.j.width(), height:s.dp.tn.j.height()}); s.dp.tn.j.stop().animate({opacity: 1.0}, {queue: false, complete: function() { s.rt.bg.j.attr('src', s.dp.tn.src); s.dp.tn.j.css({opacity: 0.0}); }}); }); s.dp.tn.j.attr('src', s.dp.tn.src); } /* * Handle loading of the large image */ var hndLoad = function(x, y) { var _hndMove; s.si.j.one('load', function() { s.dp.j.off('sxy-move sxy-hover', _hndMove); s.waiting = null; s.rebuild(function() { s.zoom(((s.maxZoom / s.options.steps) * s.options.zoom), s.cursor.lastX, s.cursor.lastY); if (s.driver.load) s.driver.load(s.cursor.lastX, s.cursor.lastY); s.zoom(((s.maxZoom / s.options.steps) * s.options.zoom), s.cursor.lastX, s.cursor.lastY); s.rt.j.toggleClass('sxy-zoom-loading'); }); }); s.cursor = { lastX: x, lastY: y}; s.dp.j.on('sxy-move sxy-hover', _hndMove = function(e) { var p = e.pointers[0]; s.cursor = {lastX: p.x, lastY: p.y}; }); s.si.j.attr('src', s.si.src); } if (hasFocus) { s.waiting = null; s.rt.j.toggleClass('sxy-zoom-loading'); hndLoad(0, 0); } else { if (!s.waiting) { s.rt.j.one('sxy-focus', s.waiting = function(e) { s.rt.j.toggleClass('sxy-zoom-loading'); hndLoad(e.pointers[0].x, e.pointers[0].y); }); } } }; if (s.initialised == false) { s.tearUp(delayedLoad); } else { delayedLoad(); } }; /** * */ Zoom.prototype.getNaturalSize = function(src, cb) { var i = new Image(); i.onload = function() { cb({ w: i.width, h: i.height }); }; i.src = src; }; /** * */ Zoom.prototype.rebuild = function(cb) { var s = this, dp = s.dp, vp = s.vp, si = s.si, vf = s.vf; // Dragpad $.extend(dp, { w : (s.options['size'] == 'actual') ? dp.tn.j.width() : s.rt.j.width(), h : (s.options['size'] == 'actual') ? dp.tn.j.height() : s.rt.j.height(), ol : dp.j.offset().left, ot : dp.j.offset().top, hyp : Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dp.tn.j.width(), 2) + Math.pow(dp.tn.j.height(), 2))) }); // Container switch (s.options['size']) { case 'actual': s.rt.j.css({width: dp.w, height:dp.h}); break; case 'src': s.rt.j.css({width: dp.w, height:dp.h}); break; } // Viewport $.extend(vp, { w: dp.w, h: dp.h }); s.vp.j.css({width: dp.w, height:dp.h}); // Scale Image s.getNaturalSize(s.si.src, function(siNs) { $.extend(si, { w: 0, h: 0, l: 0, t: 0, mL: 0, mT: 0, oHyp: Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(siNs.w, 2) + Math.pow(siNs.h, 2))), oH: siNs.h, oW: siNs.w }); // View Finder $.extend(vf, {w: 0, h: 0, l: 0, t: 0}); // Controls s.ct.sl.j.css({height: (s.ct.sl.h = (s.ct.j.height() - (s.ct.zin.j.outerHeight() + s.ct.zout.j.outerHeight())))}); s.ct.sl.h -= 16; // General Variables clearTimeout(s.dmp.timer); s.dmp = {cX: 0, tX: 0, cY: 0, tY: 0, timer: false}; s.scale = Math.atan(s.si.oH / s.si.oW); s.angle = 0; s.maxZoom = si.oHyp - dp.hyp; s.level = 0; cb(); }); }; /** * */ Zoom.prototype.tearUp = function(cb) { var t = null, s = this, tplWrapper = '
', tplContent = '' + '{auto}' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
'; s.initialised = true; /* * Asked to load a new image without ever tearing up the original, clear * waiting. */ // Target Element s.el = new E(s.element); s.el.tn = new E(s.element.children()); s.getNaturalSize(s.el.tn.j.attr('src'), function(thumbDimensions) {console.log('tear-up ' + s.options['mode']); var width, height; switch (s.options['size']) { case 'actual': width = thumbDimensions.w + 'px'; height = thumbDimensions.h + 'px'; break; case 'src': width = s.el.tn.j.attr('width') + 'px'; height = 'auto'; break; default: width = s.options['size']; height = 'auto'; } var filters = { 'w': width, 'h': height, 'srcthumb': s.el.tn.j.attr('src'), 'mode': s.options['mode'], 'auto': ((height == 'auto') ? '
' : '') }; s.el.j.wrap(tplWrapper.replace(/\{(\w+)\}/g, function(s, k) { return filters[k] || s; })); s.element.hide(); // Root Container s.rt = new E(s.el.j.parent()); s.rt.j.append(tplContent.replace(/\{(\w+)\}/g, function(s, k) { return filters[k] || s; })); s.rt.bg = new E(s.rt.j.find('.sxy-zoom-bg')); s.rt.j.on('dragstart', function(e) { return false; }); // Controls s.ct = new E(s.rt.j.find('.sxy-controls').hide()); s.ct.ol = new E(s.ct.j.find('.overlay')); s.ct.zin = new E(s.ct.j.find('.in')); s.ct.zout = new E(s.ct.j.find('.out')); s.ct.sl = new E((t = s.ct.j.find('.sxy-slider').first()), {h:0 }); s.ct.hnd = new E(s.ct.j.find('.sxy-handle')); // Dragpad s.dp = new E((t = s.rt.j.find('.sxy-zoom-dragpad').first()), {w: 0, h: 0, ol: 0, ot: 0, hyp: 0}); s.dp.ovl = new E(s.dp.j.find('.sxy-overlay')); s.dp.tn = new E(s.dp.j.find('.inner-thumb').css({opacity: 0}), {src: ''}); // Viewport s.vp = new E(s.dp.j.find('.sxy-zoom-viewport').css({opacity: 0.0}), {w: 0, h: 0}); // Scale Image s.si = new E(s.vp.j.find('img'), {w: 0, h: 0, l: 0, t: 0, mL: 0, mT: 0, oHyp: 0, oH: 0, oW: 0, src: ''}); // View Finder s.vf = new E(s.dp.j.find('.sxy-zoom-viewfinder').css({display: 'none'}), {w: 0, h: 0, l: 0, t: 0, osl: 0, ost: 0}); /* * Wire up the events we're interested in */ s.rt.j.on('sxy-focus', s._focus); s.rt.j.on('sxy-blur', s._blur); if($.event['special'].mousewheel) s.rt.j.on('mousewheel', s._mousewheel); s.dp.j.on('sxy-scale', function(e) { s._scale[e.state](e);}); s.ct.zin.j.on('click', s._stepIn); s.ct.zout.j.on('click', s._stepOut); s.ct.sl.j.on('sxy-down sxy-move', s._moveSlider); cb(); }); }; /** * */ Zoom.prototype.move = function(left, top, animate) { var s = this; /* * Update viewfinder values, we dont change the css here * and leave that upto the driver. */ var sL = (-1 * (left / s.scale)); var sT = (-1 * (top / s.scale)); // Store requested center point (usually this is the relative x,y of the cursor, this // is needed later to zoom in and out as expected. s.cursor.lastX = sL + (s.vf.w / 2) + s.dp.ol; s.cursor.lastY = sT + (s.vf.h / 2) + s.dp.ot; /* * Keep values within range of the current scaled original * image. */ if (sL < 0) { sL = left = 0; } if (sT < 0) { sT = top = 0; } if ((sL + s.vf.w) > s.dp.w) { sL = s.dp.w - s.vf.w; left = s.si.mL; } if ((sT + s.vf.h) > s.dp.h) { sT = s.dp.h - s.vf.h; top = s.si.mT; } // IE8 FIX - For some reason subpixel rounding in IE8 appears to work differently? So // for the momment lets just force everyone to floor it. s.vf.l = ~~(sL); s.vf.t = ~~(sT); /* * Prime the dampening animation */ s.dmp.tX = left; s.dmp.tY = top; if (animate && s.options['damping'] != false) { if (!s.dmp.timer) s.dmp.timer = setInterval(s._animate, 16); // Aim for 60fps } else { clearTimeout(s.dmp.timer); s.dmp.timer = false; var sis = s.si.e.style; sis.left = (s.dmp.tX = s.dmp.cX = left) + 'px'; sis.top = (s.dmp.tY = s.dmp.cY = top) + 'px'; } }; /** * */ Zoom.prototype.center = function(x, y, animate) { var s = this; s.move((-1 * ((x - (s.vf.w / 2)) * s.scale)), (-1 * ((y - (s.vf.h / 2)) * s.scale)), animate); }; /** * */ Zoom.prototype.zoom = function(level, x, y) { var s = this, t = null; /* * Ensure we never go beyond the calculated maxmimum zoom * level */ s.level = level; if (s.level < 0) s.level = 0; if (s.level > s.maxZoom) s.level = s.maxZoom; var pc = (((s.si.oHyp - s.level) / s.si.oHyp) * 100); // TODO: account for height of element s.ct.hnd.j.css({top:(s.ct.sl.h - ((s.ct.sl.h / 100) * ((s.level / s.maxZoom) * 100)))}); s.vf.w = ((s.vp.w / 100) * pc); s.vf.h = ((s.vp.h / 100) * pc); // TODO: is this still used? s.vf.osl = parseInt(s.vf.j.css('border-left-width'), 10); s.vf.ost = parseInt(s.vf.j.css('border-top-width'), 10); /* * Scale gives us a multiplier we can use to translate the cursor coordinates on the thumnail to what * the coordiantes on the large image would be at the current zoom level. */ // full image width / dragpad width = maximum possible scale // full scaled image width / viewing area width = portion of scaled image to display s.scale = (s.si.oW / s.vp.w) / (((s.si.oW / 100) * pc) / s.vp.w); s.si.w = (s.si.oW / (((s.si.oW / 100)*pc) / s.dp.w)); s.si.h = (s.si.oH / (((s.si.oH / 100)*pc) / s.dp.h)); s.vf.j.css({width: s.vf.w, height: s.vf.h}); s.si.j.css({width: s.si.w, height: s.si.h}); s.si.mL = (0 - (s.si.w - s.vp.w)); s.si.mT = (0 - (s.si.h - s.vp.h)); if (s.driver.zoom) s.driver.zoom(x, y); }; /** * */ $.fn[p] = function(method) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return this.each(function() { var zoom; if((zoom = $.data(this, p))) { if(zoom[method]) return zoom[method].apply(zoom, args) $.error("Method " + method + " does not exist on jQuery.swinxyzoom") } else { $.data(this, p, new Zoom(this, method)) } }); } // Add a container for the various zoom modes $.fn[p]['modes'] = {}; }) (jQuery); ;(function($, undefined) { var defaults = { position: 'right' }; var venderChecked = false; var vendorPropertyMap = { 'backgroundSize': { 'supported' : false, 'variations' : ['backgroundSize', 'WebkitBackgroundSize', 'MozBackgroundSize', 'OBackgroundSize', 'msBackgroundSize'] } }; /** * Determines which CSS3 attribute should be used by the * current browser. */ function checkVendorPropertyMap(map) { var checked = 0, supported = 0; for (var k in map) { ++checked; var property = map[k], variations = property.variations; for (var i = 0, m = variations.length; i < m; ++i) { if(document.createElement('div').style[variations[i]] !== undefined) { ++supported; property.supported = variations[i]; break; } } } return (checked == supported); } /** * */ function ZoomDock(b) { this.initialised = false; if (!venderChecked) // We only want to run the checks once per page load { venderChecked = true; vendorPropertyMap['_all'] = checkVendorPropertyMap(vendorPropertyMap); } var hasFocus = false, s = this, vpLeft = 0, vpTop = 0, useBgSize = vendorPropertyMap.backgroundSize.supported; var _hndMove = function(e) { var p; if ( e.pointers.length == 1) { p = e.pointers[0]; move(p.x, p.y, true); } }; var options = $.extend({}, defaults, ((b.options.dock != undefined) ? b.options.dock : {})); function checkBounds(x, y) { var offset = b.dp.j.offset(), left = offset.left, top = offset.top, right = left + b.dp.j.width(), bottom = top + b.dp.j.height(); return ((y < top || x > right || y > bottom || x < left) ? false : true); }; function blur() { if (hasFocus) { hasFocus = false; b.vf.j.hide(); b.dp.ovl.j.stop().animate({opacity: 0.0}, {queue: false}); b.vp.j.stop().animate({opacity: 0.0, left: (b.dp.w / 2), top: (b.dp.h / 2), width: 0, height: 0}, { queue: false }); } }; function focus(x, y) { if (!b.waiting) { hasFocus = true; b.si.j.show(); b.vp.j.show(); b.vf.j.show(); b.dp.ovl.j.stop().animate({opacity: 0.5}, {queue: false}); b.vp.j.stop().animate({opacity: 1.0, left: vpLeft, top: vpTop, width: b.vp.w, height: b.vp.h}, { queue: false }); s.move(x, y, true); } }; function tearUp() { b.rt.j.on('sxy-focus', function(e) { var p = e.pointers[0]; focus(p.x, p.y); }); b.rt.j.on('sxy-blur', function(e) { blur(); }); b.dp.j.on('sxy-hover sxy-move sxy-down', _hndMove); // We favour background image scaling over the image tag as it gives considerably better // performance accross the range of browsers if (useBgSize == false) { var img = $(''); b.vf.j.append(img); b.vf.img = { j: img, e: img.get(0) }; } s.initialised = true; }; var timer = false, lastLeft, lastTop; function load(x, y) { switch (options.position) { case 'top': vpLeft = 0; vpTop = (-1 * (b.dp.h + 10)); break; case 'right': vpLeft = b.dp.w + 10; vpTop = 0; break; case 'bottom': vpLeft = 0; vpTop = b.dp.h + 10; break; case 'left': vpLeft = (-1 * (b.dp.w + 10)); vpTop = 0; break; } b.vp.j.css({width: 0, height: 0, left: (b.dp.w / 2), top: (b.dp.h / 2)}); b.dp.ovl.j.css({opacity: 0}); b.vf.j.css({'position': 'relative', 'overflow': 'hidden'}); lastLeft = lastTop = 0; if (!s.initialised) tearUp(); if (useBgSize == false) { b.vf.img.j.attr('src', b.dp.tn.src); b.vf.img.j.css({width: b.dp.w, height: b.dp.h}); } else { b.vf.j.css('background-image', 'url(' + b.dp.tn.src + ')'); b.vf.j.css(useBgSize, b.dp.w + 'px ' + b.dp.h + 'px'); } if (b.hasFocus) focus(x, y); }; function zoom(x, y) { move(x, y, false); }; function _moveViewFinder() { if (!s.initialised) return; var vf = b.vf, vfs = b.vf.e.style; if (vf.l != lastLeft || vf.t != lastTop) { vfs.left = (lastLeft = vf.l) + 'px'; vfs.top = (lastTop = vf.t) + 'px'; if (useBgSize == false) { var vfi = b.vf.img.e.style; vfi.left = '-' + (vf.l + vf.osl) + 'px'; vfi.top = '-' + (vf.t + vf.ost) + 'px'; } else { vfs.backgroundPosition = '-' + (vf.l + vf.osl) + 'px' + ' -' + (vf.t + vf.ost) + 'px'; } timer = setTimeout(_moveViewFinder, 8); } else { timer = false; } } /** * */ function move(x, y, animate) { if (checkBounds(x, y)) { if (!hasFocus) focus(x, y); b.center((x - b.dp.ol), (y - b.dp.ot), animate); if (!timer) _moveViewFinder(); } else { blur(); } }; s.tearUp = tearUp; s.load = load; s.focus = focus; s.blur = blur; s.move = move; s.zoom = zoom; } $.fn['swinxyzoom']['modes']['dock'] = ZoomDock; }) (jQuery); ;(function($, undefined) { /** * @constructor */ function ZoomWindow(b) { var s = this; this.initialised = false; function tearUp(x, y) { b.rt.j.on('sxy-focus', function(e) { focus(e.pointers[0].x, e.pointers[0].y); }); b.rt.j.on('sxy-blur', function() { blur(); }); b.dp.j.on('sxy-hover sxy-move sxy-down', function(e) { var p; if ( e.pointers.length == 1) { p = e.pointers[0]; move(p.x, p.y, true); } }); }; var timer = false, lastLeft, lastTop; function load(x, y) { b.vp.j.css({opacity: 0.0, width: b.dp.w, height: b.dp.h, left: 0, top: 0}); lastLeft = lastTop = 0; if (!s.initialised) s.tearUp(); if (b.hasFocus) s.focus(x, y); } function focus(x, y) { if (!b.waiting) { b.si.j.show(); b.vp.j.show(); b.vf.j.show(); b.vp.j.stop().animate({opacity: 1.0}, { queue: false }); move(x, y, true); } }; function blur() { b.vf.j.hide(); b.vp.j.stop().animate({opacity: 0.0}, { queue: false }); }; function zoom(x, y) { move(x, y, false); }; function _moveViewFinder() { var vf = b.vf, vfs = b.vf.e.style; if (vf.l != lastLeft || vf.t != lastTop) { vfs.left = (lastLeft = vf.l) + 'px'; vfs.top = (lastTop = vf.t) + 'px'; timer = setTimeout(_moveViewFinder, 8); } else { timer = false; } } function move(x, y, animate) { b.center((x - b.dp.ol), (y - b.dp.ot), animate); if (!timer) _moveViewFinder(); }; s.tearUp = tearUp; s.load = load; s.focus = focus; s.blur = blur; s.move = move; s.zoom = zoom; } $.fn['swinxyzoom']['modes']['window'] = ZoomWindow; }) (jQuery); ;(function($, undefined) { function ZoomSlippy(b) { this.initialised = false; var s = this, start = {}; function tearUp() { b.dp.j.on('sxy-focus', function(e) { focus(e.pointers[0].x, e.pointers[0].y); }); b.dp.j.on('sxy-blur', function(e) { blur(); }); b.dp.j.on('sxy-down', function(e) { b.dp.j.toggleClass('down'); var p = e.pointers[0]; start = { l: b.dmp.tX, t: b.dmp.tY, x: p.x - b.dp.ol, y: p.y - b.dp.ot }}); b.dp.j.on('sxy-up', function(e) { b.dp.j.toggleClass('down'); }); b.dp.j.on('sxy-move', function(e) { var p = e.pointers[0]; move(p.x, p.y); }); } var timer = false, lastLeft, lastTop; function load(x, y) { b.vp.j.css({opacity: 0.0, width: b.dp.w, height: b.dp.h, left: 0, top: 0}); start = { l: 0, t: 0, x: x, y: y }; b.center((b.dp.w / 2), (b.dp.h / 2), false); lastLeft = lastTop = 0; if (!s.initialised) tearUp(); if (b.hasFocus) focus(x, y); }; function focus(x, y) { if (!b.waiting) { b.si.j.show(); b.vp.j.show(); b.vf.j.show(); b.vp.j.stop().animate({opacity: 1.0}, { queue: false }); } }; function blur(x, y) { b.vf.j.hide(); b.vp.j.animate({opacity: 0.0}, { queue: false }); }; function zoom(x, y) { b.center(b.cursor.lastX- b.dp.ol, b.cursor.lastY - b.dp.ot, false); b.vf.j.css({left:b.vf.l, top:b.vf.t}); }; function _moveViewFinder() { var vf = b.vf, vfs = b.vf.e.style; if (vf.l != lastLeft || vf.t != lastTop) { vfs.left = (lastLeft = vf.l) + 'px'; vfs.top = (lastTop = vf.t) + 'px'; timer = setTimeout(_moveViewFinder, 8); } else { timer = false; } } function move(x, y) { b.move((start.l + ((x - b.dp.ol) - start.x)), (start.t + ((y - b.dp.ot) - start.y)), true); if (!timer) _moveViewFinder(); }; s.tearUp = tearUp; s.load = load; s.focus = focus; s.blur = blur; s.zoom = zoom; } $.fn['swinxyzoom']['modes']['slippy'] = ZoomSlippy; }) (jQuery); ;(function($, undefined) { var defaults = { width: 200, height: 200 }; function ZoomLens(b) { this.initialised = false; var s = this, hasFocus = true; var _hndMove = function(e) { var p; if ( e.pointers.length == 1) { p = e.pointers[0]; move(p.x, p.y, true); } }; var options = $.extend({}, defaults, ((b.options.lens != undefined) ? b.options.lens : {})); function tearUp(x, y) { b.dp.j.swinxytouch('bound'); b.dp.j.on('sxy-focus', function(e) { focus(e.pointers[0].x, e.pointers[0].y); }); b.dp.j.on('sxy-blur', function() { blur(); }); }; var timer = false, lastLeft, lastTop; function load(x, y) { b.vp.j.css({opacity: 0.0, width: options.width, height: options.height, left: 0, top: 0}); b.vp.w = options.width; b.vp.h = options.height; b.vp.j.show(); b.si.j.show(); b.vf.j.hide(); lastLeft = lastTop = 0; if (!s.initialised) s.tearUp(); if (b.hasFocus) focus(x, y); } function focus(x, y) { if (!b.waiting) { hasFocus = true; b.dp.j.on('sxy-hover sxy-move sxy-down', _hndMove); b.vp.j.show(); b.vp.j.stop().animate({opacity: 1.0, width: b.vp.w, height: b.vp.h}, { queue: false }); s.move(x, y, true); } }; function blur() { if (hasFocus) { hasFocus = false; b.dp.j.off('sxy-hover sxy-move sxy-down', _hndMove); b.vp.j.stop().animate({opacity: 0.0}, { queue: false, complete: function() { b.vp.j.hide(); } }); } }; function _moveViewFinder() { var vf = b.vf, vp = b.vp, vps = b.vp.e.style; if (vf.l != lastLeft || vf.t != lastTop) { vps.left = (b.cursor.lastX - b.dp.ol) - (vp.w / 2) + 'px'; vps.top = (b.cursor.lastY - b.dp.ot) - (vp.h / 2) + 'px'; timer = setTimeout(_moveViewFinder, 8); } else { timer = false; } } function move(x, y, animate) { b.center((x - b.dp.ol), (y - b.dp.ot), animate); if (!timer) _moveViewFinder(); }; function zoom(x, y) { move(x, y, false); }; s.tearUp = tearUp; s.load = load; s.focus = focus; s.blur = blur; s.move = move; s.zoom = zoom; } $.fn['swinxyzoom']['modes']['lens'] = ZoomLens; }) (jQuery); /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 06:06:33 Sep 05, 2015 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 09:57:05 Jan 06, 2020. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): captures_list: 717.204 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 266.89 (2) LoadShardBlock: 647.753 (3) exclusion.robots.policy: 0.256 RedisCDXSource: 54.835 exclusion.robots: 0.274 load_resource: 502.093 PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 862.674 (5) esindex: 0.013 CDXLines.iter: 11.474 (3) */