Also, if you're not a diabetic and think that diabetes doesn't affect you, then ponder this:
"Diabetes costs the United States alone $174 billion a year. That's about as much as the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and the global war on terror
The drug companies are working hard to push their drugs. We could use your help today in letting people know the truth. If you know any diabetics, then
please let them know about the information we're giving away today. All it takes is one email or one call to change somebody's life forever.
Read how it changed Lawrence Pintard's life:
"When the doctor told me that my blood sugar was out of whack (384 blood sugar level - normal is 80 to 100) and that I would be on medicine the rest
of my life, I told him no way. I didn't know where or what I was going to do to get help, and then I heard Dr. Cousens on Coast to Coast AM radio and found the
DVD's of "Simply Raw" and "Raw for Life" and bought them and now my life has changed.
I have completely changed what I eat and have so much more life and energy now. My doctor has taken me off of all of my diabetes medications as well as my
cholesterol medications. My blood sugar level is down to the 140 range now and is still going down. I am telling all my family members, friends, Church
brothers and sisters, and truckers (because I am one) when they give me the opportunity.
Well, I am so thankful to you all you for what you are doing, Thanks!"
Here's the link one last time: