Q: What are your favorite Green Smoothies?
A: ALL ORGANIC INGREDIENTS- if you can find them. I like to get my produce from the local growers market to save money and find the freshest available. Organic Produce is the most nutritiously grown, and grown without pesticides. There may not be enough nutrients in commercially grown produce. BEWARE!!!!!! STAY HEALTHY!!!!! BUY ONLY ORGANIC
Strawberry-banana-kale : Diabetic friendly:
1 cup strawberries 1 mango
2 bananas handful of blueberries
1/2 bunch kale 1 bunch of dandelion greens
2 cups of pure or filtered water 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon (optional) tastes good
2 cups of pure or filtered water
My daily favorite that has helped me lose a good portion of weight:
Super high in greens (about 70-80 % greens):
big handfull of mixed greens
big handfull of spinach
4 leaves of kale (and /or)
4 leaves of collard greeens (and/or)
l/4 bunch of dandilion greens (and/or)
1/4 bunch of parsley (and/or)
handful of beet leaves (and/or)
1 banana
1 large tomato or 2 medium tomato's
1/2 avocado
1/2 lemon squeezed
1/2 lime squeezed
1 apple
4 large strawberries
2 tbls ground flax seed
2 cups of pure or filtered (clean) water
1 cup ice
Makes a full Vita-Mix blender pitcher of 64 fluid onces. add or remove water for texture.
I use four16 oz. plastic containers to hold my smoothies and I keep them cold in a ice packed lunch cooler and consume every 2-3 hours untill gone. I Start my day with a fresh carrot juice with wheatgrass and 1/4 tsp ground cinommon. 1/2 hour later i begin drinking my green smoothies.
I will snack along the day on veggies and fruits if hungry (gives jaw some exercise). I drink lots of pure water all day long. Once a day I mix barley grass powder in my water especially during work outs to help reduce soreness in muscles. Do not mix powdered greens with smoothie. It will taste nasty! Do not add protien powder to your smoothie. There is a monster amount of excellent proteins in the green smoothie already. Too much protein can damage your kidney's over time and increase your chances of certain cancers. This formula seems to rip the fat off my body and gives me energy all day. Remember what works for me may not work for you. Although I have received optimal health, extreme weightloss and no longer have symptoms of Diabetes while on this program, I will not accept any responsability for those that follow my program. You must discuss and seek advice from a healthcare professional and a lifestyle specialist such as Dr. Donato www.dolphindoctor.org before beginning a Lifestyle change in your diet. Personally, I am closely monitered by my Physician, Endocrinologist and Dr. Donato. I have my blood work checked regularly and check my blood sugars daily. Those of you that follow my current program, please let me know your progress. I would love to hear from you! [email protected]
Q: Do you regularly put fruit in Green Smoothies or consume fresh whole fruit when needing something sweet?
A: I do both, daily.
Q: How did you commit to what some people think of as an extreme choice?
A: First of all I was told by my Doctors in June of 2006 to lose my weight or expect to die sometime in the next 2-4 years. I was willing to try anything to regain my health. My new Lifestyle choice has been the only diet that truly worked for me with immediate health results and quick weight loss while feeling fantastic. Next my wife is very supportive and really helped me to stay focused on my goals surrounding my health. Dr. Donato has coached me through every difficult challenge I had to make. Without Dr.Donato's teachings and support he gives me on a daily/weekly basis, I'm not sure I would have stayed on track. Still today I continue to educate myself with materials and books that I have obtained or purchased from Dr.Donato, Victoria Boutenko and many other sources. Information helps me understand and drive me in the direction to acheive optimal health.
Q: What books have you read on this topic and what resources did you use?
A: Dr. Donato has been a huge resource, he would recommend reading: "The China Study" by T.Colin Campbell, PhD., "Eat to Live" by Joel Fuhrman, MD, "The Food Revolution" by John Robbins for starters. I have read all of the RAW FAMILY book collection and am still watching thier DVD collection. The big ones to read are "12 Steps to RAW FOODS - How to End Your Dependency on Cooked Food" and "Green for LIfe" by Victoria Boutenko. "The Wheatgrass Book" by Ann Wigmore and "ALKALIZE OR DIE" by Dr. Theodore A. Baroody. There are so many more. I only read books that have a scientific and medical basis to back them up. Read as much as you can and you will become an expert in no time.
Q: What is a green smoothie?
A: As Described in portion by Victoria Boutenko: Green Smoothies are 60% Ripe Organic Fruit and 40% Organic Greens blended well in a high power blender such as a Vita-Mix Blender. If you can't afford one any high power blender will do. Even a simple $40 blender will do to get you started ( while using a cheap blender expect it to be a little chunky. High power is best. ) Green Smoothies are very nutritious, belong to the most palatable dishes for all humans of all ages and easy to digest. Green Smoothies, as opposed to juices, are a complete food because they still have fiber. Many people do not consume enough greens, even those who stay on a raw food diet. To prepare a pitcher of green smoothie takes less than 5 minutes, including cleaning. Green Smoothies have been proven to be loved by children of all ages, including babies of six or more months old. Of course you have to be careful and slowly increase the amount of smoothies to avoid food allergies. When consuming your greens in the form of green smoothies, you are greatly reducing the consumption of oils and salt in your diet. Regular consumtion of geen smoothies forms a good habit of eating greens. After a few weeks of drinking green smoothies, most people start to crave and enjoy eating more greens. Eating enough greens is often a problem with many people, especially children. While fresh is always best, green smoothies will keep in cool temperatures for up to three days, which can be handy at work and while traveling. You may find many more amazing facts about green smoothies in Victoria Boutenko's book, "Green For Life", available at www.rawfamily.org .
Q: Have you managed to stick to it and not stray?
A: Yes! Other than experimentation of ingredients based on physical reactions to my body under direction of Dr. Donato.
Q: Do you use organic ingredients or what ever is offered at the market?
A: Refer to first question at top! If i can't find Organic sometimes regular produce will do. But please be sure to wash your food very well. Most non-organic produce has been spayed with bug poison (Dioxin).
Q Where do I start?
A: Educate yourself as much as you can by reading about nutrition daily and find a good beginning foundation such as Dr. Donato's "Get Healthy Boot Camp". Boot Camp is a good place to get started on the right path to achieving optimal health.(Even for those of you who are not needing to lose weight), because of it’s structured and guided program as well as interaction between students and instructor. If your not in the So. Oregon area of Dr. Donato, you can contact Hallelujah Acres by going to www.hacres.com and calling their headquarters to help you locate a health minister in your area. A typical health minister teaches the 85 percent raw 15 percent cooked lifestyle which is the Hallelujah Diet. Dr. Donato simply went the extra mile by also teaching the 100 percent raw lifestyle. Either case, a minimum of 85 percent raw diet will help most people with degenerative diseases such as diabetes, high blood presure, arrhythmia, MS, heart disease and arthritis...ect, ect. A health minister in your area should be able to give you more information.
Q: Did you follow some of the recipes in the Green For Life book, and which ones?
A: Refer to first question at top. I used the recipies in Green for Life as a guide to experiment with my taste buds and create what works for me. While on a RAW diet your taste buds will change often. It may be a good idea to retry some of the recipes you weren't sure about the first time you tried them. Food sure tastes better now that I'm not on the Standard American Diet (SAD) anymore!
Q: Do you have hanging skin?
A:My skin has been shrinking quit well. I was worried that my skin would be hanging all around my body. I have noticed that even under my arms, inner thigh's and belly seem to be tighting to the point it is still supporting my fat not yet lost. This is very good news. Once I met a woman who weighed over 500Lbs. before Bariatric surgery, and now she has skin hanging everywhere. She wants to have it removed now. Most people whom eat a Standard American Diet (SAD), and lose a large amount of weight always seem to have sagging or hanging skin around thier body. Which may lead to cosmetic surgery. Dr. Donato www.dolphindoctor.org searched everywhere for info on this subject. What he has found is that there is no documentation anywhere that proves that individuals on a SAD have skin shrinkage. Although there is plenty of documentation shown that individuals on a RAW food diet will have thier skin suck up and shrink to thier natural body mold with very little (if at all) hanging skin. Those that did have some, were able to fill the skin through building muscle mass. The studies show that a RAW food diet helps the skin come alive and bring forth its natural elastic abillity back to life. Raw food diets may help your organs rejuvinate back to when we were children and most people don't know that our skin is the largest organ of our body. I spoke to Victoria Boutenko the other day and she explained that what she has learned about skin shrinking durring weightloss is, that the Chlorophll in the greens and especially from fresh wheatgrass juice, can be responsable. So if you are losing weight be sure to have lots of Green Smoothies and drink wheatgrass everyday! This is exactly what is happening to me! Because of my natural skin shrinkage, I know I will not have to have any cosmetic surgery! YEAH!!!
Q: How do you handle cravings?
A: I eat more food and drink lots of water. Cravings in general are detox reactions and more clean water w/juicing will help you detox faster. I completely lost my SAD cravings around my 6-8th week of my 100% Raw lifestyle. Having someone to talk to helps too. Find somebody to share your emotions with, in regards to your diet. Another raw fooder such as a partner or spouse is ideal. Ask your health minister about support groups. 6-8 weeks went by fast so I hope it will for you too! What's 6-8 weeks to get your health back? I drive by all my favorite fast food restaurants all the time now and don't even miss it. Once you are truly 100% RAW for at least a couple of month's, you don't even look back! Once in Optimal Health, why would you want to be sick again?
Q: Did you use any powdered greens for your smoothies?
A: Yes, Barley grass powder and it tastes nasty! Powdered greens should only be mixed w/water on an empty stomach because your body won't absorb the powdered greens well when fiber is present in your stomach. Drink durring workouts and excercise. Not with smoothies!
Q: Did you go through a detox?
A: My first few weeks were aweful! I caught a cold and a flu! Lots of terrible headaches, pimples, loss of energy and tiredness. Detox's are the release of stored poison in our bodies. I did a Colon cleanse and was amazed at how much build-up there was. When we have clogged plumbing our bodies end up in storing the toxins we eat. Some people get very sick durring detox and go to the hospitol for help not realizing the illness is just part of detox. Detox is no fun, yet well worth it in the end because now I feel great and my body is working much better now!
Q: Once starting the exercise what did you do to start?
A: I began a weekly excercise and weight training regimin with Dr. Donato once I got under 300Lbs.. Find a good physical trainer to help you learn to lift weight's properly and try to get as much cardio/anerobic strength workouts as much as possible each week. I hit the Gym 3 days a week with aerobic/aneaobic excercise daily. Treadmill walk/run even at the local high school track and use Fit-10 equipment daily. www.fit10.com Dr.Donato promotes Fit-10 in his Boot Camps.
Q: How come I can’t find Valerie Winters Blog?
A: Not sure. It seems she has removed the Blog permanantly herself. She has been an inspiration to me and I wish her well. Hope she will let us know how she is doing sometime.
Q: Do you prepare the smoothies for the day at one time and if so how well of fresh were the smoothies through out the day?
Is there any particular brand/style of container you might use to keep them fresh? (I would make them in the morning then take them to work … so what do you think?
A:Refer to first answer at top! Yes make them in the morning and take them wherever you go in a cooler lunch box to keep them cold and fresh. Find a container/s that suit your cooler lunch box needs. Stuff cold packs around smoothie containers. Use First smoothie at breakfast then take other 3 containers with you for the day. Drink the green smoothies every 2-3 hours even if not hungry. the more you consistantly consum the more fat you can burn. Don't over eat! Eat till satisfied.
Q: How often do you change your green smoothies? If you used the same ingredients for a while, did it make any difference as to changing up the variety?
A: Yes, I use a different pattern of amount of Greens each week. Sometimes it depends on what is available. Mostly because Greens have a high alkalinity, so we need to switch them up as our ingredience so not to have any harmful effects from the same greens every day. Victoria Boutenko explains it better in her book "Green for Life". Check it out! The flavors are different every time I make a different batch. Experiment what you like the most. Be creative and change greens even as much as daily but deffinatly weekly.
Q: One big factor for me is budget … if you don’t mind me asking … how much money do you spend a week?(and I presume you did the same format every day and not do anything different on the weekends.)
A:Yes, I use the same format weekly because it is easier to plan my meals for the week. In the begining I spent a lot purchasing all of my equipment. Juicer, Vita-mix Blender, dehydrater, ect.....I spend no more than I did when I was on the SAD. In fact I spend less because I never go out to resturants or fast food anymore.That also saves gas in in your car and utility bill because you no longer use your stove to cook. Rumor has it that it costs too much for Organic food. The truth is, when I go to the store now I shop the produce section and leave, because there is nothing else I need to buy unless it is something other than food. Try to find a store and growers market that you can get all your supplies and raw foods in one trip. You will save money on gas too! The amount I spend, balence's out in the end!
Q: How do I find a health minister such as Dr Donato in my area?
A: If your not in the So. Oregon area of Dr. Donato you can contact Hallelujah Acres by going to www.hacres.com and calling their headquarters to help you locate a health minister in your area. A typical health minister teaches the 85 percent raw 15 percent cooked lifestyle which is the Hallelujah Diet. Dr. Donato simply went the extra mile by also teaching the 100 percent raw lifestyle. Either case, a minimum of 85 percent raw diet will help most people with degenerative diseases such as diabetes, arrhythmia, MS, heart disease and arthritis...ect, ect. A health minister in your area should be able to give you more information. Remember I didn't go 100% Raw durring the first year after Boot Camp. I tried and Failed 3 times. Green Smoothies seem to be the big key in going 100% RAW for me! It was very difficult to eat the amount of greens my body needs.
Q: What kind of food enzymes did you take?
A: Try to find a broad spectrum formula/Enzyme-Active. Dr. Donato has me take them to help take the load off of my Liver. Enzymes help soak up the poisons stored in my fat cells rapidly dumping in the blood stream as i lose weight. Part of ongoing Detox! Food Enzymes are also essential when eating cooked food. (durring Boot Camp) Cooking kills the natural enzymes. Taking a suppliment will help your food digest easier and help your colon to pass the food.
Q: Will I get enough protein drinking green smoothies?
A: Yes! As far as protein, do not worry. It is my opinion that some individuals in our Govt have lead us to believe that we have to eat meat and dairy products for the best protein. Got Milk? As our Govt rakes in the dough on the foods that are slowly killing us, we are so blinded by the illusions of reality. Even our Doctor's only learn 1-4 hours. of nutritional studies over a whole 8 years of college and only learn to sell you an FDA approved diet. In general Doctors aren't taught about Proteins in live foods. If they were, we would have less sick people around because we would be taught to eat less meat and dairy and more freshly grown food. I have read and seen documentation to back this up. Dr. Donato www.dolphindoctor.org has taught us that everything has protein and we only need 25 grams a day to sustain life. More then 70 grams a day can damage your organs over time. Body builders only need 70 grams of protein to build muscles and they can get the best from greens, broccoli and fruit, ect. Have you ever seen a large beefy cow or an ape weighing over 800lbs.eating meat? No they eat lots of greens and fruit. Think about all the body builders slamming 300-600 grams before working out. Eventually they will die from some form of cancer early in life. Think about it, how many body builders do you see walking around in their 60's or 70's. Not many! I have been building muscle for two month's now and haven't eaten any meat or dairy for five month's 100% RAW no cooked food. Did you know a peach may have the most protein over all fruit. Leafy greens have the highest Protien they are natures perfect food. One molicule of wheat grass juice is like a fresh blood transfusion. There are enough vitamin and minerals in the greens, fruit and veggies, that you never need to take any vitamin supliments. Most of us have lowered the natural hydrocloric acid levels in our stomach. It is difficult for your stomach to create vitamin B12. If you drink green smoothies on a regular basis you can build the acids back up relieving heartburn and raising B12 from food. So B12 supliments should be taken regularly for at least a year or more. Nothing else. A 100% RAW food diet including green smoothies everyday with regular excercise should be sufficient. Exercise will help guarentee you won't lose Muscle mass. You will lose weight as a natural side effect and never lose any muscle mass! Fruits, veggies and greens are alkaline foods. Legumes, nuts and seeds should be eaten in moderation because of high acid and high Protein. Except for Almonds. They are a positive 3.14 alkaline. These are all live protiens for the body. Meat and dairy are very acidic and dead proteins. Your body takes acid and stores it into Fat cells. If you cut the acid foods from your diet, you will lose fat off the body like melting butter. If you have a handful of almonds(70 grams of Fat and +3.14 alkaline) and a porkchop(35 grams of fat and -53 acid) Your body will pass the Almonds without weight gain. Yet the Pork being acidic, will store into fat straight on your body. Yuk! Strange that the almonds have more fat yet the pork is the one making you gain weight!
Q: How did you handle temptations or problems that may occur with members of your family who are still eating the standard American diet way?
A: Refer to How to handle Cravings-above. Explain to your family about your new lifestyle choice and how important it is to you! ( Because you are trying to get your health back!) Ask them to support you and give you encouragement. My family helped me by mostly eating at different times or understood my eating choices while with them at the table. If you are still preparing the family food try not to taste the food and maybe you can have a smoothie while preparing. If you taste the food the salts and oils may pull you back in. Be strong and remember your goals. Have a Picture in your kitchen that helps you remind yourself of your goals. One individual wrote to me: "Your name is on my fridge as an inspiration to courageously continue the "eat your greens" diet and hike like I truly want to do with stamina, strength and spirit with this green healthy diet to sustain me."
Q: Do you ever get tired of green smoothies?
A: No, Not yet anyway! Although I use the same recipe (in general) I use a wide variety of greens and mix up my selection of fruit in the Smoothies. Everyday is something new! If you get board with your smoothie Try something new. You may Suprise yourself!
Q: Are you going to start a blog site or Yahoo group soon?
A: Yes, I am working on this now and will anounce when it is ready and posted! In the time being you can still email me your questions at : [email protected]
DUE TO POPULAR REQUEST- A summary of my Life and how I found the RAW lifestyle that's helping me lose weight and regain my health.
When I was a child I always seemed to be a little chunky. My family had to always finish our plates at the dinner table before being allowed to leave.
Growing up my body weight was like a roller coaster, constantly going up and down.
As a teenager I became aware of my weight problem and cut back on my food. When I entered high school I was very skinny and ran on the cross country and swim team. And I delivered news papers on my bicycle. I was very active and skinny and weighed about 170 - 190 pounds.
During my 20’s I never really got much exercise and I loved to party with my friends every weekend. At age 25 I had reached 270 pounds. I exercised and starved myself down to 200 pounds . About six months afterward I fell off my exercise routine and quickly gained my weight back and then some. I just couldn't’ motivate myself to keep exercising. By the time I reached 30 years old I weighed 330 pounds.
I began to feel depressed. It seemed no matter where I went people would stop and stare at my gut as I walked by or would whisper and point to others while shaking their heads at me. I was so embarrassed that I never wanted to leave my house.
I had to do something. I tried one fad diet after another with success then failures. I got burned out and just gave up. People will just have to make fun of me and I will just have to accept it for the rest of my life.
At age 37 in July of 2005 my wedding day, I weighed over 440 pounds. I was very miserable. My family and loved ones were very concerned.
In January of 2006 without even knowing I became ill with the symptoms of diabetes dry mouth, frequent urination, major fatigue, and could never get enough sleep. Later-Doctors also concluded that i had sleep apnea, high blood pressure and arrythmia. I started losing weight and by May I was 375 pounds. I really wasn't sure why I lost weight without dieting, I just knew I was feeling a little better about myself.
Then Boom! Here came my wake up call
I ended up in the hospital. I was diagnosed with an Acute Pancreatitis. My pancreas had completely shut down. Doctors told my family not to expect me to live.
My triglycerides were over 6,000 and my blood sugars over 600.
I wasn't allowed to eat or drink for three days until my numbers came back down. Luckily my triglyceride and blood sugar dropped enough that I was allowed to eat Jell-O and soup broth. The antibiotics helped cure my infected pancreas and I was able to leave the hospital 10 days latter with the final diagnosis of type II Diabetes.
Doctors told me I would have to inject insulin and take many other medications for the rest of my life. If I don’t lose my weight I shouldn't expect to live more than 2 - 4 years.
Doctors had me visit a nutritionist that put me on a FDA approved diet and exercise program to help me lose weight.
I was so depressed over my condition I still continued to gain weight. The problem with being 300-400 pounds was that I was continuing to injure myself during exercise.
One day, I took a good fall off my treadmill and I hurt my lower back. I ended up with Sciatica. The doctor referred me to Dr. Donato’s office for physical therapy.
After meeting with Dr Donato I explained to him my condition and how I came to see him.
Dr Donato told me that he was a health minister and that he taught a lifestyle class called “Get healthy Boot Camp.” During the boot camp I will learn how to manage my weight and greatly improve my health through eating healthy foods. I can even reduce some or all of my symptoms of diabetes. Weight loss was just a natural side effect. I will be able to lose a significant amount of weight and most importantly, Keep it OFF!
After being extremely depressed over my condition, I became very excited! This is exactly what I needed to hear. I couldn't wait to attend the Boot Camp.
I enlisted in the first available course, January 2007.
Boot camp was GREAT. I had lots of fun. It was very structured and guided program. Lots of interaction between students and instructor, Dr Donato. Dr Donato showed off one of his science experiments, showed short films, and we even learned to cook new recopies. We also got to eat live food during every class session.
By the third week of Boot Camp, I was completely off all of my medications and insulin. My blood sugars stabilized in the high 90’s, my blood pressure improved, and my cholesterol and triglycerides were almost into the normal range.
In seven short weeks I dropped 49 and a half pounds and 52 pounds by graduation. That night everyone had their opportunity to share their own personal weight loss and personal health successes to all of our friends and family. We also got a certificate of completion.
A month after graduation from boot camp my wife and I went on a over due Honeymoon to Hawaii for two weeks. We went on a cruise around the islands. During boot camp we were taught to prepare for a vacation and how to eat away from home and out to dinner with friends.
When we went to Hawaii I didn't prepare at all. I thought I would just wing it. The selection of food on the ship wasn't what I expected. The buffets were loaded with many temping foods. So I ate regular foods and after two weeks I gained ten pounds and caught a bad cold.
I am so addicted to cooked food, salt, and oils that it was difficult to not eat what I knew was wrong and bad for me. I soon found that I had gained all of my weight back and I couldn't believe I had let myself and everyone else down.
December of 2007, I got back in touch with Dr. Donato and renewed my dedication to my weight loss.
January of this year Dr. Donato sent me an email about a woman named Valerie. Valerie weighed 528 pounds. She read books called “Green for Life” and “12 Steps to Raw Food” written by Victoria Boutenko.
From the information in these books Valerie learned how to make Green Smoothies. By drinking Green Smoothies Valerie was able to lose 127 pounds in 25 weeks (6 months) without exercise. Valerie called what she did "The Green Smoothie Experiment".Green Smoothies are made using a high power blender (such as a Vita-Mix) and it’s ingredients are 60% organic fruits and 40% organic leafy greens such as Kale or Spinach.
Now I had learned how to make Green Smoothies in Boot Camp and I know how to modify a Green Smoothie to meet Dr.Donato's Program, I knew I could have the same results that Valerie had or even more.
So I made a flexible green smoothie recipe modified for maximum-nutrition and on January 26, 2008 I began what I call “The Green Smoothie Experiment II”
Starting at 400.6 pounds
20 weeks later at 273.4 pounds

My beginning weight was 400.6 pounds. I lost 8 pounds the first day and 22 pounds the first week. Now, I am losing about a pound a day.
Today I weigh 254 Lbs. I have lost 146 Lbs. in 23 Weeks.( Just this last month my personal Doctor told my that my blood test results have been perfect for many month's
and since I haven't been on any medication since Feb 2007, I no-longer need to see my Endocrinologist. My symptoms of Diabetes have completely gone.)
This time I am 100 % dedicated and 100% raw.
Now remember, I choose not to exercise because I continued to hurt myself while exercising. I thought that if I could get under 300 pounds I would be able to exercise safely.
I am now in Phase II of my weight loss. I began on May 4 under the supervision of Dr Donato exercising and weight lifting at the gym. The aerobic/anaerobioc and weight training mixed with my raw food diet of green smoothies is going to send me down to my ideal body weight over the next year.
I hope to be 170 pounds by the end of this year. Can you imagine losing 230 pounds in one year and being totally ripped and perfectly healthy? Well I can!!
Now, when I reach my weight loss goal of 170 pounds. Then I will probably just eat as I learned through the boot camp except that I will continue to eat RAW.