Cranberries, a True Superfood at Your Store

Cranberries are in season. These red berries are a true superfood.

Weight LossCranberries, a True Superfood at Your Store With Childrens Book

The December issue of Nutrition Journal has just published some new research, which demonstrates that flavonoids, present in high levels in cranberries promote healthy weight in those who regularly consumes cranberries.


Earlier this month Dr. Michael Greger published an article “Which Fruit Fights Cancer Better?” about cranberries. These berries were found to suppress the growth of human liver cancer cells in vitro. Other studies have found similar effects against human breast, colon, brain tumor, oral, and ovarian cancer cells. Cranberries also possess strong anti-cancer properties in cases with prostate cancer. 1

Cardiovascular Health

Berries are a good source of polyphenols, especially anthocyanins, micronutrients, and fiber. In epidemiological and clinical studies, these constituents have been associated with improved cardiovascular risk profiles. 2 Scientists recommend cranberries along with other berries as a heart-healthy diet.

Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections

Cranberries contain two compounds that seem to help keep certain bacteria (like E. coli) from attaching to the urinary tract wall. Studies offer evidence that women who drink cranberry juice may suffer fewer symptomatic urinary tract infections.

Add Cranberries to Green Smoothies

Fresh cranberries are usually very tart and not so tasty. In my family we add a handful of cranberries daily to our green smoothies. I usually buy several extra bags and freeze them, so that we can have them after the season is over.

Valya’s App is Now Available on Android

Healthy Fruit Iphone Game
Dear Friends,

You can learn many interesting facts about produce on Valya’s app called “Quality Produce” which is available both on iPhone and Android.

In The iPhone App Store Android app on Google Play

Victoria’s app “Green Smoothies” is also available both on iPhone and Android.

In The iPhone App Store Android app on Google Play

For more information please click here.

Warning: Please limit your use of all those gadgets so that you have time to enjoy life without EMF

Last Day for Holiday Bundle Sale

Dear Friends,

We decided to leave all of our sales for one more day.
Our Raw Family Holiday Bundle consists of 10 items for $25,

Please visit our shop here.

Green Smoothie Revolution by Victoria Boutenko Raw Family: A True Story of Awakening The Miracle of Greens:how greens and wild edibles can save your life The 7 Best Greens Smoothies from Raw Family
Book - Green Smoothie Magic Book - Will You Love Me Still? Fruits I Love I Love Greens
Reversing the Irreversible Remake A Gift from Little Bear


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