Victoria's Response to Criticism of Green Smoothies With Childrens Book
Hundreds of thousands of people around the globe are happily consuming green smoothies. My inbox is overflowing with testimonials of amazing recoveries that I receive daily from green smoothie drinkers. We have videotaped testimonials from people who started drinking green smoothies and were able to reverse heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes type II, and many other conditions.

However, as Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “There are as many opinions as there are experts.” For this reason, once in a while I run into counter claims. Below are my answers to some of them.

        1.   Claim: Blending destroys fiber.

My answer: I verified what science has to say about blending fiber. I was able to find several studies that conclude that “particle size of the fiber source did not affect performance.” 1 The most interesting research article I found was from, “Gut,” an international peer-reviewed journal for health professionals and researchers in gastroenterology & hepatology. Volume 37, Issue 2: “Effect of bran particle size on gastric emptying and small bowel transit in humans.” Authors R Vincent, A Roberts, et al, compared bran particles of 2 mm to less than .7 mm.

This study found that both fine and coarse fiber have only 2% difference in performance, favoring the smaller fiber. Moreover, the researchers stated “Fine bran causes less disturbance of gastric physiology than coarse bran” 2 and discussed how finely ground fiber increases nutrient absorption, and reduces bloating, heartburn, and constipation.

        2.   Claim: Blending destroys 90% of nutrients.

In an interview ( two respectable doctors bring a wealth of information on a natural healing. Towards the end of the interview, Dr. Clement states that “blending your veggies using a blender can kill up to 90 percent of the nutrients in 90 seconds.” Next, in contradiction to his own statement he explains, that “vitamins A, E, C; the basic five nutrients are killed in 90 seconds of blending with a high-speed blender.”
There is a big difference between these two statements:

    •     blending can kill up to 90 percent of [all] the nutrients;
    •     90 percent of the basic five nutrients are killed by blending

There are many studies done in the US, in Netherlands, and in other countries. For example, here is one scientific study, which compares blending and juicing. In the following statement (I have highlighted the most important content.)

“Due to the consumer’s interest in obtaining high levels of phytochemicals, it is important to understand the changes in their levels by common household processing techniques. Therefore, mature Texas “Rio Red” grapefruits were processed by some of the common household processing practices such as blending, juicing, and hand squeezing techniques and analyzed for their phytochemical content by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Results suggest that grapefruit juice processed by blending had significantly (P < 0.05) higher levels of flavonoids (narirutin, naringin, hesperidin, neohesperidin, didymin, and poncirin) and limonin compared to juicing and hand squeezing. No significant variation in their content was noticed in the juice processed by juicing and hand squeezing. Ascorbic acid and citric acid were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in juice processed by juicing and blending, respectively. Furthermore, hand squeezed fruit juice had significantly higher contents of dihydroxybergamottin (DHB) than juice processed by juicing and blending. Bergamottin and 5-methoxy-7 gernoxycoumarin (5-M-7-GC) were significantly higher in blended juice compared to juicing and hand squeezing. Therefore, consuming grapefruit juice processed by blending may provide higher levels of health beneficial phytochemicals. 3

From my personal observation, I seriously doubt that blending destroys vitamin C because I witnessed countless times how people who consume green smoothies on a regular basis, tested outstandingly high both in vitamin C and in antioxidants tests.

        3.   Claim: Oxalic acid in spinach and other greens cause kidney stones

To answer this claim, I have written an article where I present lots of citations from original research documents.

About 85% of all kidney stones contain calcium salts, calcium oxalate and/or calcium phosphate. It seems logical to connect calcium oxalate with oxalic acid in some foods, such as spinach, soy, tea, coffee, wheat, and some others. However, you will not find any scientifically documented evidence that oxalic acid in food causes the formation of kidney stones. On the contrary, substantial scientific research in different countries has demonstrated that oxalic acid from food plays an insignificant role in the formation of kidney stones.

Excesses in Animal Protein are a Major Risk Factors in Kidney Stones Formation. You may read the rest of this article on my blog.

        4.   Claim: Fruits are too sweet for you

I completely understand how eating only unripe, conventionally grown fruit might be considered to be harmful to health. Some of you might wonder, what can I do if I don’t have access to high quality fruit? First of all, become aware. Second, go to U-pick farms in the summer and freeze berries and fruit for your winter. Third, talk to your local farmers and see if they can help you find a way to provide you with organic produce. Finally, watch Valya’s presentation on Espalier and harvest your own perfect fruit.

It is my opinion that fruit, if it’s ripe and organic, is an essential part of the human diet. Even in Northern Siberia, where there is a permanent frost, people gather both sweet and sour berries in the summer. However I don’t recommend a completely fruitarian diet because it is not complete. Greens are the most nutritious food on our planet. In my food pyramid greens take the first place and ripe organic fruit takes the second. You may read the rest of this article on my blog.

Everyone should eat more greens. By consuming green smoothies, my body is able to absorb up to two bunches (two pounds) of greens every day. That is why I choose to encourage people to consume green smoothies.

If alternative doctors will fight with each other over non-essential particulars of natural healing, we may only confuse people. Moreover, we may become easy prey for the medical establishment’s criticism. Instead, let us unite on whatever common grounds we share.

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2 Effect of bran particle size on gastric emptying and small bowel transit in humans: a scintigraphic study
R Vincent, A Roberts, M Frier, A C Perkins, I A MacDonald, R C Spiller. Gut 1995; 37: 216-219
3 Uckoo RM, et al “Grapefruit phytochemicals composition is modulated by household processing techniques.”.Journal of Food Science Texas, USA; 2012 Sep;77(9):C921-6.

Last week I have received an exciting email from my friend, Tatiana, whose two children have been drinking smoothies since they were in their mother’s womb. Her son and daughter are now 6 and 8. The reason for my excitement came from their regular doctor’s checkup. The doctors were amazed at the health of these two children, particularly at their healthy teeth and bones. Coincidentally, I have just finished reading several research articles that confirm that consuming greens since infancy (first in the form of breast milk) ensures healthy bones. I am including this info in my new book I am finishing to write now. I am glad that my two grandchildren have been consuming green smoothies since birth also.

Helping Our Children to Eat Healthy With Childrens Book

In the time when holidays are approaching and there will be a lot of partying and celebrating at the table, I encourage you to do whatever possible to inspire your children to eat healthy. Take them to the farmers’ markets and to health food stores, make juice together from carrots, or pomegranates, or anything else. Include your children in the process of blending smoothies.

We invite you to purchase our children’s books, read them to your children and discuss afterwards. After all, it is today’s children who will take the place of Obama, Cameron, and Putin in 20-30 years. What they will feed the nations depends on our kids’ education today.

To support you in your gift-giving decisions, we offer 50% discount off all our children’s books, including those, which are already discounted.
You may view these special offers here.

New Interviews with Victoria

Recently I gave one video and one audio interviews to different media outlets. You may watch and listen to them through the following links.

Optimizing Children’s Nutrition with Green Smoothies
Video, 35 minutes

Green Smoothie Magic
Audio, 25 minutes

Valya and Victoria Participate in The Raw Living Expo in 2014

RawFamily at Raw Living Expo

Dear Friends,

We invite you to join us early next year at the big event, taking place near Thousand Oaks, California. In our presentations at this expo, we will be sharing with you our newest research and our delicious new recipes.

For more information please

For more information please click here.

Last week I have received an exciting email from my friend, Tatiana, from Canada whose two children have been drinking smoothies since they were in their mother’s womb. Her son and daughter are now 6 and 8. The reason for my excitement came from their regular doctor’s checkup. The doctors were amazed at the health of these two children, particularly at their healthy teeth and bones. Coincidentally, I have just finished reading several research articles that confirm that consuming greens since infancy (first in the form of breast milk) ensures healthy bones. I am including this info in my new book I am currently finishing. I am glad that my two grandchildren have been consuming green smoothies since birth as well.

Helping Our Children to Eat Healthy With Childrens Book

The holidays are approaching and there will be a lot of partying and celebrating at the table, I encourage you to do whatever possible to inspire your children to eat healthy. Take them to the farmers’ markets and to health food stores, make juice together from carrots, or pomegranates, or anything else. Include your children in the process of blending smoothies.

We invite you to purchase our children’s books, read them to your children and discuss afterwards. After all, it is today’s children who will take the place of Obama and Putin in 20-30 years. What they feed the nations depends on our kids’ education today.

To support you in your gift-giving decisions, we offer 50% discount off all our children’s books, including those, which are already discounted.
You may view these special offers here.

Vitamix Holiday Offer

For anybody in the U.S. who orders a Vitamix from our site, we will send a free set of five children’s books. Just copy and email us the order confirmation, along with your postal address, and we will send you the books promptly. Please send your order confirmation to

Vitamix offers greatly reduced prices through December 2nd.

Certified Reconditioned Next Generation $439

Certified Reconditioned Standard Programs $349

Certified Reconditioned Standard $299

New Interviews with Victoria

Recently I gave one video and one audio interview to different media outlets. You may watch and listen to them through the following links.

Optimizing Children’s Nutrition with Green Smoothies
Video, 35 minutes

Green Smoothie Magic
Audio, 25 minutes

Valya and Victoria Participate in The Raw Living Expo in 2014

RawFamily at Raw Living Expo

Dear Friends,
We invite you to join us early next year at the big event, taking place near Thousand Oaks, California. In our presentations at this expo, we will be sharing with you our newest research and our delicious new recipes.

For more information please click here.

Raw Family Recommends
This High Speed Blender

Vita-Mix 5200
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