Helping Our Children to Eat Healthy
Last week I have received an exciting email from my friend, Tatiana, from Canada whose two children have been drinking smoothies since they were in their mother’s womb. Her son and daughter are now 6 and 8. The reason for my excitement came from their regular doctor’s checkup. The doctors were amazed at the health of these two children, particularly at their healthy teeth and bones. Coincidentally, I have just finished reading several research articles that confirm that consuming greens since infancy (first in the form of breast milk) ensures healthy bones. I am including this info in my new book I am currently finishing. I am glad that my two grandchildren have been consuming green smoothies since birth as well.
The holidays are approaching and there will be a lot of partying and celebrating at the table, I encourage you to do whatever possible to inspire your children to eat healthy. Take them to the farmers’ markets and to health food stores, make juice together from carrots, or pomegranates, or anything else. Include your children in the process of blending smoothies.
We invite you to purchase our children’s books, read them to your children and discuss afterwards. After all, it is today’s children who will take the place of Obama and Putin in 20-30 years. What they feed the nations depends on our kids’ education today.
To support you in your gift-giving decisions, we offer 50% discount off all our children’s books, including those, which are already discounted.
You may view these special offers here.
Vitamix Holiday Offer
For anybody in the U.S. who orders a Vitamix from our site, we will send a free set of five children’s books. Just copy and email us the order confirmation, along with your postal address, and we will send you the books promptly. Please send your order confirmation to [email protected]

Vitamix offers greatly reduced prices through December 2nd.
Certified Reconditioned Next Generation $439
Certified Reconditioned Standard Programs $349
Certified Reconditioned Standard $299
New Interviews with Victoria
Recently I gave one video and one audio interview to different media outlets. You may watch and listen to them through the following links.
Optimizing Children’s Nutrition with Green Smoothies
Video, 35 minutes
Green Smoothie Magic
Audio, 25 minutes
Valya and Victoria Participate in The Raw Living Expo in 2014
Dear Friends,
We invite you to join us early next year at the big event, taking place near Thousand Oaks, California. In our presentations at this expo, we will be sharing with you our newest research and our delicious new recipes.
For more information please click here.