Valya’s New Video: How to Pick the Best Peach

This year, Valya has grown several pounds of wonderful peaches on her espalier peach tree. We eat them for dessert and add them to our smoothies. Meanwhile, there are still peaches available in the stores. How to pick the yummiest peach? You may find out from Valya’s short video:

How to choose a peach

Victoria’s Webinar Available Till Saturday for 99c

Dear Friends, after my talk on Centenarians I received over 30 positive feedback letters from those who watched and listened. As you noticed there were some technical difficulties in the very beginning for a brief minute. For that reason, we will not put it out for sale. I will try to make another recording sometime later. For now, this webinar, which includes my talk and a slideshow, is still available for 99c till Saturday, October 5th. When you sign up, you will receive a link. Follow this link and click on "Play" button. Allow about a minute for a technical problem to pass and enjoy the rest of the show. It is a unique information and very useful.

You may sign up for the webinar “Centenarians in Siberia” here

Please Suggest Topics for Our Articles

Dear Friends, we decided to create a separate website with many of our articles and videos that will be categorized for our customers’ convenience. If you have suggestions of what topics you would like to see there please kindly let us know.
Please send your suggestions to this email: [email protected]

Sincerely, Raw Family

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Will You Love Me Still?