Your Testimonies Please

Green Smoothies PictureDear Friends,

Do you like your green smoothies? Have you noticed any difference in your health? Did green smoothies save your life? Would you be interested in sharing your experience with as many people as possible?

I am writing a new book about green smoothies. It will be published in 2014, exactly ten years after I created the very first green smoothie in my office in Ashland, Oregon. For this anniversary I would like to share my latest research about green smoothies, accompanied with a dozen or so testimonials from real people.

I have written much of the book already. I think that your testimonials can inspire the world to consider natural health, starting with the green smoothie. This book will be read by thousands of people all over the world. If inspired, they all will become healthier, as well as their families.
Please consider the following when writing a testimonial for my upcoming book. I promise that everyone whose testimonial is chosen for the book will receive an autographed copy of the book from me. Here are some guidelines.

• My goal is to inspire other people to try green smoothies, I ask you to create the most compelling testimonial. Describe your health before and after you started drinking green smoothies. If you had health problems, please tell how you felt at your worst and then your recovery at its best.
• I prefer the most truthful stories, illustrated with many facts and anecdotes from real life.
• The length should be one to three pages. If you have more, consider publishing your own book!
• You may use your full name or your initials, city, state and country. It is your choice.
• Keep the praising of me and my family to the minimum. Instead, provide more details of your case.
• If you have photos that illustrate your health achievements, you may submit them. Before and After photos would be great. You may submit color photos, as the book will be printed in color.
• I can give only two weeks for sending your testimonial, as my deadline to submit the completed manuscript is very close. Please send your testimonial by October 31st of this year. On November 1st I will report to you the results.
• Please put the word “TESTIMONY” in your subject line, in capital letters. Otherwise, I can easily overlook your email.
• Email testimonials to this address: [email protected]

Thank you very much dear friends, from the bottom of my heart and from all future readers of this book.

With Love and Smoothies,
Victoria Boutenko


Sale This Week

Green Smoothies Picture

In 2005 I wrote my first book about green smoothies, “Green For Life”

Since then, this healthy drink made its way to more than 40 countries

Please take an opportunity to read this book this week. We offer 45% discount.

Special price: $9.32
(Regular price: $16.95)

You may buy this book at a discounted price here.

This special sale will end on next Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sincerely, Raw Family

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